Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tomorrow is a New Day!

Oh My...Rough day for all (including Mrs. Grewell).

This seems to happen every year, so I am not sure why I am panicking, but today was kinda the straw that broke the camel's back. I feel as if I am repeating, repeating, repeating myself a million times and kids are still not following me or getting it. Is this happening at home???? Spring Fever?????

At any rate, we had a VERY long and VERY serious discussion today at Fly Time. I had so many people with no names on papers, questions left blank, entire sections left blank, words that were right in front of them in a word box spelled incorrectly in SPELLING, and the same mistakes made that were made on the last sheet that we JUST went over together in class. Listening to the teacher will solve 99% of these problems. I ALWAYS go over each and every direction, remind them to write their name on the top, and explain in detail areas that I see kids having trouble on before redoing something. I have kiddos goofing around on the carpet (this is where we do our whole group learning), playing with pencils, drawing pictures on white boards, poking girls, poking boys, talking with friends, laying down, getting up and leaving group, etc. It is time to buckle down. None of these behaviors have ever been allowed before, so I am not sure why they are doing them now?? We also talked about how homework is NOT optional in my class. It MUST be done every single day. If something comes up (which it does every once in awhile, and I get that) please write me a note in the planner or text me that homework didn't get done that night. That is perfectly ok. It is not ok to do it nightly or weekly. It is Arrowhead procedure that 4th graders have about 40 minutes of homework each night. Please make sure kiddos know when is the best time for them to do this at home. Is it on the bus? In the car? Before dinner? After dinner? Right away? I had two kids tell me today that they were not sure when they have time to do homework. I know that sports are starting up, dance practice is happening, and so on. However, homework has not changed since day one. It is a constant M-Th. If kids don't get it done at home, they have to stay in at recess to do it on their own time. That is so hard on them. It is beautiful out and they need to get some fresh air, but they have work to do that should be done at home. Please talk to your child tonight and make sure they know when they need to do their homework each night of the week. If you have this discussion, please write HOMEWORK in the planner for $50 tomorrow. A TON of money was taken today for all the reasons above. We have roughly 3 or 4 filed trips coming up that will be a buy in to go on. Silly mistakes cost kiddos money. Again, we talked long and hard about this today. I BELIEVE I will see improvement very soon. (Sorry for the rant. Again...are you seeing this at home lately?)(This is all on the kiddos by the way...they know all of this is THEIR responsibility...not mom or dads or teachers)

Tuesday Folders came home today. There were three important items.
1. Pictures. If you didn't send back the no picture taken form, your child came home with their picture proofs. You have not bought these yet. Scan them, take out what you want, buy the entire thing, buy one, buy none, whatever. Just send in the cash/check and/or any pictures you are not buying with your child. They are not free. :0) Thanks.

2. Pick up policy for parent during school. Apparently there have been some issues with this. Arrowhead is no longer taking calls/requests to have kids ready to go for appointments anymore during the school day. When you come in, THEN they will call for your kiddo to come down. (Please allow at least 5-10 minutes to pack up and gather needed materials for homework). We have had parents call, ask for kiddo to be ready and waiting in office at 2, so we do....and then they wait for a parent that is running late. That is priceless academic time out of the classroom. So, now there is this new plan. Thanks for understanding.

3. Field Trip Permission for the 4th grade Alberta Bair trip. This happens every year and is paid for by the district. Therefore, there is not a buy in for the class as it is not something extra in the curriculum but a part of it instead. So, everyone goes. :0) Please sign form and return tomorrow. Thanks.

Homework tonight is a math review. This is the 9th time doing this type of sheet, just with different questions. (When they get a 100% twice, they will be done with them for the year).

Kids are running the 800 meter run in gym tomorrow. Tennis shoes and water bottle would be a great idea.

Mark those calendars...Smarter Balance/MONTCas testing for Math and Reading will be on April 20, 21, 22, and 24th. If your planning to be gone, please let me know ASAP. Thanks.

We did SRI vocabulary/context clues testing today. I will text you the results tonight or tomorrow night. Most kids showed great growth from last quarter. When kids are really high already...it is so hard to get higher scores. We just celebrate that they are amazing learners already!!! :0) Great job to everyone. Expected SRI score for the 4th grade: 770-980.

On a good note...we had a super fun time today with our 2nd grade buddies making a fun St. Patrick's Day writing project! Love watching them have fun with their littles! :0)

I think that about says it all (and then some I am sure :0)). I think tomorrow should be give your teacher a hug day!!!! :0)

Have a good night.
Mrs. Grewell

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