Thursday, March 12, 2015

Love My Job!

Hi there.

Another great day! Does anyone know why these kiddos' faces' look like this??? They look an awful lot like mischievous Leprechauns! :0) Hmmm....

PLTW resumed again today. Kiddos discovered how force makes cars go backward when colliding head on. They also discovered that when cars are higher, they move the other car way back. So forces can be equal or unbalanced. I didn't tell them this...they discovered it. Cool! That is exactly what PLTW is all about. Kids discovering by exploring. Tomorrow...we add weight.

In MT. History, we started our Montana People from 1700-1820. I asked them to close their eyes and then look what forms when I say the word Indian. As you know they brought that home the other night for homework. Here are a few that were shared with me. It is always interesting to see what they think of when they hear that word. Generally, after learning more their visuals change, especially when they meed a Crow Indian in today's world. (Which by the way does not wear skins, feathers, or headdresses. :0)) Today, we talked about how the dog was so important to these people. Ask your child to tell you what role the dog played. If they can and use the word travois at some point in that discussion, write TRAVOIS in the planner for $10.

Tomorrow is Friday. That means spelling tests and library books.

In Fly Time, I had the kids CRACKING up. Noah B and I sat in our desks and pretended to have a conversation. While talking I started doing some behaviors that I had seen the kids doing that week at the back table and on the carpet. I put my head down, stretched out on his desk (invading his space), looking under my desk, getting up and walking away, ignoring him and then asking him to repeat himself, rocking back on my chair, rocking forward on my chair, and interrupting him. I think I made my point. They look pretty silly when doing these things. We have also had a few kiddos falling out of chairs when getting in or out of them. So, I modeled how to move back my chair safely, stepping out, and then walking away after pushing in my chair. Then, I modeled how to return, pull my chair all the way out, walking into my space, sitting down, and then scooting in. Then, we practiced. Seems silly, but I didn't have one kiddo on the floor all day. :0)

Homework tonight is a math review page in their homework booklet. They need to complete the entire page.

Have a wonderful night.
Mrs. Grewell

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