Sunday, March 15, 2015

Luck is believing you're lucky. Tennessee Williams

Hello there. I am typing this out on my deck and the soft, warm breeze is heavenly. What a beautiful day! Can you believe that next weekend will be the last weekend of winter! I suppose the following one, the first one of spring, will be full of snow and below zero temperatures. :0) So, we best enjoy this one why we can. (Rumor has it snow is in the possible picture tomorrow morning!)

I got an email from the Science Expo saying that they emailed all of you the details for the upcoming science fair. Please check your emails that you wrote down on your application for details. Here is a link to the science expo website though if you need it. Epsen...yours was undeliverable, so I have it. Please write a current email in your planner so I can forward it to you. Thanks!

It is St. Patrick's Day on Tuesday. Kids are encouraged to wear their green that day. We won't have a party, but we will do a fun science experiment with our buddies that day. :0) Did you do anything fun for St. Patty's Day this weekend? It was great fun to see Miss. Hanna in the parade on her scooter! If you did something "green" this weekend write PATTY in the planner for $10.

Academics continue on all week long...

Spelling: We are once again taking a break from the book skills. We will have a fun St. Patrick's Day list instead. So everyone is an alternate speller this week. The skill work will deal with these words all week.

Writing: We began our compare and contrast essays last week. We will finish them up early this week and then head to the computer lab to type them up. Next up, persuasive essays.

Language: Drops in the Bucket reviews continue. These help us review all the skills we have learned thus far.

Reading: We will continue on in our leveled readers learning about the Midwest area of the United States. We have been focussed in on finding cause and effect statements. The group discussions we are having are actually cracking me up. Kids are making a ton of connections to the text of all kinds. We are also making opinions backing them up with evidence from the text.

Math: Geometry continues. This week we will look at types of polygons, specific types of quadrilaterals, regular and irregular polygons, and solid figures.

Science: PLTW continues. I am hoping to finish up our first unit this week.

SS-Montana History continues with our Native American studies in the 17 and 1800s.

I submitted our book orders last week. They are on their way to Billings. Yay!

Miss. Emily used her show and tell coupon last week. She brought in her fun little puppy to share with us. His name is Bub! :0) Thanks for sharing with us Em. We sure can tell you love that little dog!

A Happy Birthday to Espen! I hope you had a great time celebrating. Thanks so much for the yummy, yummy donuts on Friday! Born on Pi day!!! That is 3.14 cool!!!! :0)

Some kiddos had their scholastic news left to finish up. Hopefully, those came home this weekend.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Grewell

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