We had so much fun learning Irish style all day long. We started it off in Fly Time. We watched a short video about the history of St. Patrick's Day. Pretty interesting story actually! What color was the original St. Patrick's Day known for? It was NOT green! Ask your kiddos. Write their answer in the planner tomorrow for $10.
In Language Arts, we learned the art of writing a persuasive speech. Kids had to pretend that I was a leprechaun with a pot of gold. They had to convince me to give it to them. They used my weaknesses against me. They offered to buy me more BELIEVE signs and shirts to wear. Of course I couldn't say no to that one. I also had to save a few dying moms. Poor Noah B, Noah L, and Reece's moms. They were dying with deadly diseases and Reece's mom was abducted by aliens. The only way she could be saved was to teleport with the use of gold. Don't worry, I gave them all gold. You are now safe! :0) They sure were creative, and I helped a ton of homeless, hungry, and needy people and animals! Everyone was granted their gold!
That brought us to our buddy project. For some reason, kids were not able to see my shiny gold nuggets in my baggie. Mrs. Emerick, Mrs. Powell, and I were totally able to see it, but they all said all they saw was white powder. So, we tried to change it from a solid to a liquid to see if that would help. Sure enough, then they were all able to see the green and the gold nuggets just fine. (Thank goodness for Pistachio pudding!) Tricky Leprechauns! (If kids show you their gold...write GOLD in the planner for another $10.)
Tomorrow is our Junie B Jones field trip at the theater. We will eat lunch in the classroom (hot or packed) before we leave. We go at 11:50 and are back around 2. We will NOT have PE. I suggested to kids to dress to impress. We are representing our school and part of the theater experience is to dress up. Nothing too fancy (NO Espen...you don't need a tux!), but similar to what you would wear to church. NO electronics for the bus please. Thanks.
A quick message from Mrs. Meier...
SCIENCE FAIR ... Thursday, March 26 .... Parents may stop by the Arrowhead gym anytime from 8:00-3:00 to view the Science Fair Projects.
Thanks so much for having such awesome and amazing kids! They sure do all hold a special place in my heart! Hanna...I hope the leprechauns lift their tricky spell and you feel better tomorrow. :0)
Mrs. Grewell
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