Monday, March 9, 2015

Spring Has Sprung!

Hello. Happy Monday!

In Fly Time today, two reminders were given.
1. No personal pencil sharpeners are allowed at school (safety reasons with blade in them)
2. 1 snack a day. Kiddos are eating two or three snacks a day. Not sure if they are even hungry for lunch after all that. One granola bar OR One whatever. Also, kiddos are bringing in completely full to the zipper sandwich bags of goldfish and other crackers. Kids have learned about portion size in health with Mr. Pertuit. They do not need all that for a snack. Just a single serving per day. Thanks.

A reminder also for water bottles. The weather is turning warmer and kids are starting to need that water after recess and gym. They will run the 800 meter in gym on Wednesday. I heard Mr. Pertuit reminding them to bring water bottles too. We have had some pretty creative bottles come in lately as well, which have spilled all over the floor and papers. :0( As noted in the first day letter, please bring a REGULAR ole water bottle...regular size, regular shape. Thanks.

1. Draw a visual of what comes to mind when you hear the word Indian. Whatever you see...draw it.
2. Cursive Practice: Ceaser Chavez.

For $10 tomorrow, ask your kiddo who they remember listening to when we went to the 3rd grade wax museum this morning. It was AWESOME!!! Write the name of the person they tell you about in the planner.

I LOVED all the 811 posters. I can't wait to turn them in. I just know someone from Mrs. Grewell's class is going to win that trip to Washington DC to watch a baseball game and win a Kindle Fire!!!! Plus if they win...then I win too. I win $811 to spend in the classroom and a Kindle Fire too!!! Yay for all!!! Four kids forgot to get that parent signature on the back. They have one more chance tonight  to get it. I am mailing off the completed entries tomorrow morning! Let's go Grewells!!!

Have a wonderful night!
Mrs. Grewell

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