Monday, March 2, 2015

Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try! Dr. Seuss

Howdy folks!

A great day had by all.

Testing starts tomorrow. Tomorrow only, we will test right after lunch. We don't want extended studies kiddos to be interrupted in their class tomorrow morning. Wednesday and Thursday we will test right at 9. Kids MAY bring gum. (Not Hubba Bubba or big ole chunky gum...just regular stick gum). If they bring a pack, it will last them all three sessions/days.

Homework tonight is a book report bag. Kids need to find 5 objects that relate to The Bridge to Terabithia story they read. They may NOT draw the items on paper. They need to find 5 3D objects and they need to be ready to explain how each item relates to the story. They were told to practice on you tonight.

We did two other parts of the report in class today. Kids took a multiple choice quiz over the book and we began to make a sequence "bridge" placing the main events of the story in order. We will finish that tomorrow. The quiz sure was eye opening. It was kinda clear who did a good job reading or not. Sadly, I only had two A's (way to go Hanna and Avery!). I had a handful of Bs and Cs and a surprising amount of Fs. Kids need to read carefully at home and stay focussed. Reading aloud to a parent is always a great idea too. When kids have a discussion about what they read, they tend to remember it better. I know some kiddos read it in the first week and then wait the other two weeks before we do the activity. We talked about how this will happen in college a lot. We also talked about strategies they could use to help refresh their mind of what the story is about by reading one page in each chapter, taking a picture walk, or reading the back cover again. The grades are posted online for your viewing. Sorry, no chances to do it again. It is was it is. We did go over it in class though so now they know all the correct answers. This was a great review for the sequence part so hopefully they will score higher on this one. Again, many kids did great! :0)

In the planner, you will find a permission sticker to watch the movie of the Terabithia book. It is rated PG so your permission is needed. We will not do this all in one setting, but instead will watch it here and there while doing seat work or during inside recess/lunch (which by the sounds of the weatherman might be tomorrow). Kids that do not have permission will just do their work/recess in the back room quietly. Please check one way or the other, sign, and date it. Thanks. (We may start it tomorrow).

I sadly did not get a picture of the great Dr. Seuss hats today. Rats!!!! I forgot. Those that did wear one did earn $50 however! Yay!!! Tomorrow is Fox in Socks day....students wear crazy mismatched socks to school. When inside, we will roll up those pant legs so they can see, see, see them all day long. Fun!

Lastly, it has come to my attention that MANY kids are running low or are completely out of glue sticks. MT History is to blame for this one!!! Please ask your kiddo if they need new ones. If so, please take care of this ASAP. We have even used up the reserve I had in my bucket. Please write GLUE in the planner if you talk about this with your kiddo. Thanks!

Have a wonderful, wonderful night! Enjoy the snow in the morning!
Mrs. Grewell

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