Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Testing Has Started...and I couldn't be more proud!

Hello, hello, hello!!!

One test down (NWEA MAP Reading)...three thousand more to go! :0) OMG!!!! The kids did soooooooooooooo awesome!!! Everyone came out on level and made their growth goal and then some! Wowzers!!! I felt like doing cartwheels! WooHoo!!! Kids needed to be at least a 197 and needed to make at least a 6 point growth. A HUGE wow to David and Adler who topped the chart with a  28 and 23 point growth!!! Noah B, Claire, Morgan, Noah L, AJ, Espen, Carl, Gwen and Landon were right on his heels with double digit scores as well! I just kept walking around looking at scores saying...oh my goodness you learned a TON this year! Great, great job 4th graders! We will continue on down the testing journey this Thursday morning with our Math NWEA MAP test. I CAN'T wait to see the growth there as well!!! Long division, fractions, angles, multiplication...no problem! We are ready!

Speaking of math, today we used our area and perimeter skills to construct a paper dog. Kids had to listen orally to instructions moving across the x and y axis lines on a grid to create the outline of the dog. Then they had to draw certain shapes in certain places using coordinate graphing. Finally, they got to fold it and turn it into a dog. Awesome! If they brought theirs home, have them tell you the area of it and the perimeter (which they found in class when all done). They should come up with an area of 40 square units and a perimeter of 58 units. Tomorrow...we try a squirrel, without so much help from Mrs. Grewell :0)

Kiddos shared their D2 slide documents with the class today. They all did a great job. The grades will be posted soon. Most kiddos got a few points off for little things like capital letters and punctuation, but overall they earned great scores for the presentation. There were a few that I would have like to have seen a bit more effort to expand a simple fact out with more details, but they all did great.

I will be gone Thursday afternoon and all day Friday. It is our once a year trip to Chico for my husband and I and another couple. The deal is only on weekdays, so I am taking some me time on this one. The sub is one we have had before, and he is wonderful with the kids.

There is no homework this week or next due to testing. Just in bed early and dreaming about shining like the bright stars that they are!

Have a great, great night!
Mrs. Grewell

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