Testing went great. We will once again head to the computer lab tomorrow morning to finish up our Reading sections. Then, Friday we will finish up math and THEN....we are DONE with standardized testing for the year! They have been troopers. I have a special treat for them come the end, if they continue to give me their very best!
Happy Birthday to Krissy today! She turned the big 10! Thanks for the yummy cupcakes missy! Delicious!!!
Tomorrow is Earth Day. We spent some time with our buddies cleaning up the playground today. We will do a fun snack project tomorrow dealing with the Earth Day Holiday! Have kids get online with you tonight and find a fun fact about Earth Day (Just ONE) that they can quickly share tomorrow morning. Those that do, will earn $50.
Our play is coming along. If you want to come watch, it will be next Tuesday at 1:30 in our room. The entire thing from start to finish is about 5 minutes. So, if you can't get the day off...it might be ok. I will also video it and put it on the blog. But, know that it is pretty darn cute and if you are not busy come on over. :0)
Tuesday Folders went home today. Inside you will find the BBQ lunch form for the annual hot lunch outside. Come one, come all. There is also a note in there about payment needed for two of our upcoming field trips to cover the busses. This amount was divided by all 4th graders. It does not include the trip to the Grewell Ranch, as not all classes go. There will be another notice coming home for that one. Please send in the money as soon as you can so we know where we stand. With 115 4th graders, it gets confusing. :0)
The field trip for Thursday is all set. Kids may bring electronics. Sunscreen applied BEFORE school would also be a good idea as well as good walking shoes, layers, and a hat. Also, don't forget that lunch. There is no cost for this one, as the tab was picked up by Indian Ed For All. WooHoo!
Thanks for sending in all the fun geometric solid food! The kids had a great time putting their boards together today. Mrs. Emetic came in right in the middle of it all and said, "Man...why wasn't math this fun when my kids were in school?" Awesome! The boards will be on display in the hallway for about a week (minus the food that may rot). Hopefully, everything else comes back home. I also hope that they asked you and you are not trying to cook without your many seasoning cylinder shaped space bottles tonight. :0)
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