Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Feel Like Earning Your Kiddo $200????

Howdy Folks!

Another fun day down in the books. I have no idea how I am going to let these kiddos go! :0(

Kids are really starting to see math come alive. Today at recess, there were some BPS workers on the playground and they were using this wheel machine to measure things. I grabbed some kids and said...Hey, what are those guys doing??? They looked at weird. I said, I bet that they are finding area or perimeter. Let's go ask! Sure enough...the guy looked right at them and said, length x width!!! Awesome!!!

Then in math today, I put up a picture made completely of triangles and asked the kids if they could draw it. They all were like NO! It looked very complicated! I said, yes you can. It is all triangles and all you need is a ruler and a two inch line segment. Look at what they were able to make! What!!!! You can use scalene, isosceles, and equilateral triangles to create art? No way! You mean I could be an architect or graphic designer with this stuff???? :0) I love when it all comes together! (We also said this would be a PERFECT activity to do in car when driving far distances and your parents are ready to pull the car over!) :0) If they can show you how to do it tonight, write STAR in the planner for $50 tomorrow.

We wrapped up the play today by having one more show for Mrs. Zelinski's first grade class. We had three siblings in there and they begged me yesterday! What a fun way to end. Loved hearing the little ones cracking up! :0)

Homework tonight is one last Dear Mrs. Grewell letter. Kids need to make it about their 4th grade year. What did they like? Not like? Learn? What will you use in the real world? What will you miss? Things like that. Half a page is the least on this one!

If YOU would also like to write a similar DMG letter telling me your thoughts on how your kiddo has changed this year (at school or home or both) please do so. I love reading these! Those that bring one in will earn $200!!! (That is a free field trip!) Wow!

I leave you with a fun picture of Miss. Emily. We are so proud of her for doing so awesome in her special olympics! So many ribbons and look at that proud smile! We love you Emily!!!

Have a wonderful, wonderful night! If anyone needs me...I will be on the soccer field. (and then at Dairy Queen!)

Mrs. Grewell

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