Apparently I lost my brain yesterday and forgot to blog! :0)
Gabrielle used her show and tell coupon today. We got to see some pretty amazing crafts that she has done at home: sketching, painting, and creating quote signs to hang in her room. Such a talented young lady!!
Speaking of talent...check out AJ and Avery singing the states and capital's song. How in the world did they memorize all that??? Well done kiddos!
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Spinners is on the agenda for tomorrow. We will go no matter what unless we see lightning in the area or that it is pouring so hard it would be unsafe. Drizzle though...yep we are going! Dress appropriately please.
1. Working Bike
2. Helmet (kids may not go without one)
3. $5.00 (Kids will keep this and pay when we get there)
4. Please try to have kids bring a sack lunch as we will be eating in the classroom before we go. The cafeteria will be open, but it is not our regular time so the fewer hot lunchers the better.
5. CHAPERONES...we leave at 11:30 sharp. So, please arrive at 11:15 to hear safety talk. Your choice to wear a helmet, but you are a role model for kiddos. :0) I will buy your yogurt upon arrival. Order whatever you want. Thank you!!!! (I have Gwen's dad, Krissy's mom, Morgan's mom, Avery's mom, and Noah L's dad is driving the truck.) Mr. Pertuit will lead the way, and I will bring up the rear. The other adults will spread out and stay with a group of kids. The truck will be at check points along the way. (Mr. Lewis...we will give you the map tomorrow...see Mr. Pertuit). If a child needs assistance or a ride, a chaperone will take them to the check point closest to them. The ride usually takes 20 minutes max. Therefore, we should return around 12:45 at the latest.
6. Students with owed/missing work will STAY and work on it rather than come on the ride. I will bring their yogurt back for them. Please, please, please don't make me the bad guy in this. Ample warning has been given to kids for at least a week on this. Please check online for missing work. There are only two out there now. :0)
It is RAINBOW day at Arrowhead tomorrow as well. It will be fun to see all the green shirts riding bikes down the road. Yep...4th graders need to wear as much green as possible tomorrow. (No hair dye or face paint) please. Just throw on that green shirt and call it good. :0) Don't forget that $1 donation for St. John's gardens. Awesome way to give back to our many volunteers! This idea was generated by Mrs. Stevenson's 2nd graders. So sweet.
Today, we talked about two things at Fly Time.
1. Inuskuks. These are rock towers that form a shape of an animal, person, or other item that represents peace. This is a Native American custom, usually in Alaska, that represents a sacred place to just sit and reflect or wait. In our Sacajawea book we discovered that Clark found two piles of stones on top of Pompey's Pillar when he climbed up there. My guess is that these were similar to this tradition, as Pompey's Pillar was a sacred place for the Crow Indians. Many boys would climb it and fast while waiting for a mission or spirit dream. It was also a lookout place for the Crow during the Battle at the Little BigHorn. Kids need to collect some stones (average size and flat work best) for next week. They will then use the hot glue guns and create an Inuskuks of their own that the can put in a quiet place they like to sit and reflect or wait. This should also serve as a reminder that Pompey's Pillar was a sacred place before it became a National Monument.
2. Shorts Warning. With warm weather, comes shorts. For girls especially, we discussed the Billings School District Policy. Shorts need to be longer than the child's finger tips when they put their arms down by their sides. Short shorts are in, and believe me it is almost impossible to find ones that are longer in Billings, but they are out there. Kids may also layer with leggings. Now that the warning has been issued classroom wide, from this point on it will be a phone call home to bring in new ones or borrow from the lost and found/school. Thanks for checking on this before kiddos walk out the door.
Homework tonight is a Sacajawea paper. Kids need to write a brief statement about what happened in the book in the beginning, middle, and end. They then need to illustrate with a picture that MATCHES their words below. 4th grade quality and EQ will factor in their grade. Kids also need to make sure and color their Lewis and Clark game pictures as well. They know my expectations. If you play the game with them tonight, write GAME in the planner for $50 tomorrow. It is pretty fun!
MT History notebooks are due tomorrow.
Tomorrow is our last library day. As of this point, everyone has their books turned in. Yay!!!
I leave you with a couple of pictures of field day part one from yesterday. The lightning in the distance cancelled the rest. It is rescheduled for next Wednesday. Mr. Pertuit needs volunteers, especially DADS. Please contact him through the office ASAP if you can help out. Thanks.
Have a great, great night. Looks like Mother nature doesn't want to play baseball again tonight! Boo!
Mrs. Grewell.
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