Thursday, May 21, 2015

Field Trip Tomorrow!

Hi there.

Tomorrow is the big day....the Grewell Ranch!

1. Drink for lunch
2. Closed Shoes that can get dirty.
3. Electronics for Bus Ride
4. Sunscreen and Bugspray on BEFORE school.
5. Hat if desire.
6. We will not be in tall grass, so shorts are fine. Layers are always best.
7. Morgan, Gwen, and Lauren's parents need to be here at 8:30 please.
8. Bus leaves at 8:45 sharp.
9. Back around 2:00.
10. It is going to be SOOOOO much fun!

Before we leave tomorrow, we will have a short FaceTime session with our good friend Espen in Norway to just say hi. He misses us and we miss him!!!

Safe travels to the many going out of town tomorrow. Enjoy your trips and have a great time making family memories. Priceless!

Homework tonight is to read Ch. 8 in the Sacajawea book.

Have a great, great, great night!
Mrs. Grewell

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