Friday, May 8, 2015

A great day for a mixed up field trip! :0)

Hello there.

Well, it was an interesting day to say the least. When arriving at the Arbor Day Field Trip, we discovered that Arrowhead was not supposed to be there (there was a miscommunication between Arrowhead and the district office). So, we didn't do all the fun booths and lessons but we still had a wonderful time packed with fun and learning. As a class, we went on a nature walk, observed baby goslings, hung from trees like monkeys (YES we did!!!!), ate a picnic lunch, and had a great time laughing at lunch time. The hardest part was the cold fingers. I passed around my gloves as much as I could. Thank goodness for Krissy's mom who came and saved the day with all her running games to distract cold kids while waiting for the returning bus. After a short wait, we hopped on the bus and got back to school in time for library class. As you can see from the pictures below...nothing lost, lots of SMILES gained. You will be refunded your money for this trip. Details to come on that later. I also refunded the kids fake $100 they payed in for the trip.

I will blog again on Sunday, but wanted to let you know the happenings before then. I hope that all the moms have an absolute wonderful Mother's Day. Thank you again for a wonderful week of being spoiled!!! I will have a wonderful time spending my Amazon Gift Card from all of you as I eat ALL of my 100 Grand candy bars!!! And...Noah L and family, I left my lunch at home on the counter today so your basket of snacks was PERFECT timing, followed by a dessert of Chocolates and Turtles from Gwen and Claire! Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs. Grewell

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