Hello there.
I totally forgot that we still had our NWEA Map Language test to take. :0) Here I thought we were done. So, we took it this morning. Those that were not here will make it up tomorrow. Kids once again showed great growth. I will send home the final results in the Tuesday Folders. I couldn't be more proud to be every single one of their's teacher!
The recorder concert was fantastic. A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Waddell for doing such a great job. Believe me...they didn't start out this way! Thanks for helping out at home by allowing them to play Hot Cross Buns until you couldn't stand it anymore. I get the joy of going through this once again next year with Beau. It really is so cute though and it is a great way to see if they will be able to handle the practice schedule at home for next year's band/orchestra/choir choice. If you didn't see it come home the entire time...something to think about.
Teachers sure felt appreciated today when walking into Arrowhead. Wow! What a great place to work. I LOVED all my fun "Mrs. Grewell is a STAR" notes this morning. I have the BEST job in the entire world!! Adler surprised me with flowers and Gabrielle spoiled me with new BELIEVE signs, a mug full of mint tea, and a fun necklace that reminds me to create, imagine, and inspire. Thank you all so very much. I always feel so loved by all of you!
Homework tonight is two math papers reviewing place value: Alaska and Arizona.
Midterms come home tomorrow. There are some missing assignments out there, so please encourage kids to get those in ASAP. Please remember that with two solid weeks of testing leaves only a few hours a day to actually teach and assess other lessons. Grades are slim pickings in some areas. Every assignment carries weight.
Ask your kiddo about Think-Tell-Do. We talked about it today in Fly Time when we wrapped up our Brave lessons. When feeling scared to do something new...kids should realize that they THINK they can't do it, so they need to TELL themselves that they can do it, and then hurry up and DO it before they get scared again. Otherwise, they have to go back to the THINK again. :0) If they can tell you what this is all about, write BRAVE in the planner for $50 tomorrow.
Have a wonderful night enjoying this beautiful weather. Tomorrow kids are supposed to wear my favorite color. That would be BLACK!!! I can't wait to be surrounded by it! :0)
Mrs. Grewell
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