Hi there. Can 4th grade get any more fun??? I have the best job in the world! Check out these amazing kids all dressed in their teacher's favorite colors: Black and Pink! Kyra even scored bonus points by wearing a black and pink shirt that said the word BELIEVE! Love it!
In honor of Mother's Day, I do a fun activity that allows kids to have empathy for their parents. Tomorrow will be Baby Egg Day! As soon as kids arrive in the door, they will become a single parent for the day. That means, wherever they go...their child goes! Everywhere!!!! They learn very fast just how expensive kids are and how $20 here and there adds up quickly. They also learn a valuable lesson about having medical insurance for those unexpected accidents that send kids to the doctor. I also have been know to kidnap an egg or two in my days. Kids may not EVER be left alone at a desk unattended. Of course we will add some math into the mix by finding the circumference of our baby egg and its weight in ounces using a balance scale. Students need to bring some kind of crib to put on their desk for the day. We talked all about the rules and what ifs this morning. Cribs need to be smaller than a check book box and fit nicely on the corner of the desk. Baby eggs will remain in these while students are at their desks working. Recess, lunch, and recess again are always interesting times. It is PRICELESS to see their mom and dad face when their baby gets a crack. They look like yours when they do!!! I love this day! They will write a note to share with you on Sunday that tells all about their fun time being a mom or a dad. Happy Mother's Day Grandmas and Grandpas!!! :0)
Homework tonight is to prepare their crib and to show you how to play one of the ecosystem games we played today in Lead 21. They all really loved trying to avoid being the prey of the predator snake! I think they get all the terms now!!!
I leave you with a thank you. I feel appreciated every single day, and this week is no different. All of you are so generous with your love and compliments. My bucket was filled to the top today by all the hugs and Mrs. Grewells I heard. Even though my name sometimes hurts my ears, I get excited when I hear it because it means that a kiddo wants to share with me! That is awesome! A special thank you to David today who treated me to a Scheels gift card. I can't wait to get on that ferriswheel! Avery surprised me with a container of STARbursts in a STAR dish with a You're a STAR teacher tag. I shared them with all of my STAR students!!! I was surprised after lunch as well. I went down to the lounge to eat and I was teasing Mrs. Derrig by saying...oh flowers for me how sweet. Turns out they were!!! Are these orchids not beautiful!!! What really melted my heart though was the card. I have known the Dowler family for two years now (I had both the twins last year) and they are all so amazing. It was very special to my heart to read their words of kindness. Relational teaching is not easy, but I just can't imagine a world where I didn't do it. I truly, truly care about each and every child that comes into my path and I absolutely love that they invite me into their outside of school lives. I can't wait to see how they grow up and hope to always be a part of it. I remember telling you at Open House, that I am not a one year teacher. I am a forever teacher. I have enjoyed every single minute of it! Thanks again!
Mrs. Grewell
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