Sunday, May 31, 2015

4.5 Days Left Moms and Dads!

Hi there. Happy Sunday, and Happy Last Week of the 4th grade. That seems very odd to type that. Doesn't it feel as if we had just begun? I can't believe it is almost time to say goodbye.

It will be a sad day tomorrow as it will be Noah B's last day. He is traveling for his brother's graduation. We will sure miss him this week.

Tuesday is our trip to Pompey's Pillar. Hopefully we don't get rained out.

Wednesday is our make-up field day. We also have our first wiffle ball game. We will be playing against Mrs. Gleason's class. Kids need to wear their 811 shirts on this day. (I sent them home with them last Friday). Kids that turned in their 811 drawing on time to be mailed out got a shirt from them. There were a couple that didn't . They can just wear a white shirt that day to match us. Please don't let them wear them until Wednesday so they stay nice. :0)

This weekend I was able to catch some talented kids in action. Gwen played a great soccer game. She is quite quick on her feet. I also got to see Gabrielle play the piano in her recital. So pretty! (She is sitting by the window in this picture). She is going to play it again for the class tomorrow. I am betting that Gwen will also bless us with her song as well. :0)

Last week's trip to Spinners was a wonderful success and a ton of fun. We had not injuries and everyone loved their yummy treat. A HUGE thank you to all the chaperones: Morgan's Mom, Krissy's mom, Avery's mom, Gwen's dad, and Noah L's sister and dad in the truck. Without all these amazing helpers, we would have not been so successful. It was because of all of them that we never needed to use the truck. Woohoo!!! We had a GREAT surprise while at Spinners...Mrs. Pelia showed up. She was a teacher at Arrowhead last year and was very loved. She was back in town for Mrs. Powell's retirement party, and we arranged a surprise visit at Spinners! Fun times!

Speaking of surprises, Miss. Krissy surprised me on Friday with this beautiful necklace. So, so pretty. I wore it to church today and received many compliments on it. Thank you so much for such a beautiful gift Krissy! You certainly filled my bucket and made me feel very special.

We will be presenting our last inquiry projects for Lead 21 Reading this week. Kids are doing news broadcasts. Kara's dad came in on Friday and helped us out a TON! A BIG thank you to him!!! Now, the kids are ready to do their own. Kids made a list of things they needed to bring from home to use as props or their costumes. All groups need to be ready to be filmed tomorrow, even though some may not get filmed until Tuesday or Wednesday. I wish we had more time as we were invited to tour the news station and do our broadcasts from there. How cool would that have been. I just can't see it happening this week. I am so grateful for the invite form KULR8 through! Amazing!!!!

Have a wonderful, wonderful week!
Mrs. Grewell

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Spinners Bike Trip Tomorrow!


Apparently I lost my brain yesterday and forgot to blog! :0)

Gabrielle used her show and tell coupon today. We got to see some pretty amazing crafts that she has done at home: sketching, painting, and creating quote signs to hang in her room. Such a talented young lady!!

Speaking of talent...check out AJ and Avery singing the states and capital's song. How in the world did they memorize all that??? Well done kiddos!

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Spinners is on the agenda for tomorrow. We will go no matter what unless we see lightning in the area or that it is pouring so hard it would be unsafe. Drizzle though...yep we are going! Dress appropriately please.


1. Working Bike
2. Helmet (kids may not go without one)
3. $5.00 (Kids will keep this and pay when we get there)
4. Please try to have kids bring a sack lunch as we will be eating in the classroom before we go. The cafeteria will be open, but it is not our regular time so the fewer hot lunchers the better.

5. CHAPERONES...we leave at 11:30 sharp. So, please arrive at 11:15 to hear safety talk. Your choice to wear a helmet, but you are a role model for kiddos. :0) I will buy your yogurt upon arrival. Order whatever you want. Thank you!!!! (I have Gwen's dad, Krissy's mom, Morgan's mom, Avery's mom, and Noah L's dad is driving the truck.) Mr. Pertuit will lead the way, and I will bring up the rear. The other adults will spread out and stay with a  group of kids. The truck will be at check points along the way. (Mr. Lewis...we will give you the map tomorrow...see Mr. Pertuit). If a child needs assistance or a ride, a chaperone will take them to the check point closest to them. The ride usually takes 20 minutes max. Therefore, we should return around 12:45 at the latest.

6. Students with owed/missing work will STAY and work on it rather than come on the ride. I will bring their yogurt back for them. Please, please, please don't make me the bad guy in this. Ample warning has been given to kids for at least a week on this. Please check online for missing work. There are only two out there now. :0)

It is RAINBOW day at Arrowhead tomorrow as well. It will be fun to see all the green shirts riding bikes down the road. Yep...4th graders need to wear as much green as possible tomorrow. (No hair dye or face paint) please. Just throw on that green shirt and call it good. :0) Don't forget that $1 donation for St. John's gardens. Awesome way to give back to our many volunteers! This idea was generated by Mrs. Stevenson's 2nd graders. So sweet.

Today, we talked about two things at Fly Time.

1. Inuskuks. These are rock towers that form a shape of an animal, person, or other item that represents peace. This is a Native American custom, usually in Alaska, that represents a sacred place to just sit and reflect or wait. In our Sacajawea book we discovered that Clark found two piles of stones on top of Pompey's Pillar when he climbed up there. My guess is that these were similar to this tradition, as Pompey's Pillar was a sacred place for the Crow Indians. Many boys would climb it and fast while waiting for a mission or spirit dream. It was also a lookout place for the Crow during the Battle at the Little BigHorn. Kids need to collect some stones (average size and flat work best) for next week. They will then use the hot glue guns and create an Inuskuks of their own that the can put in a quiet place they like to sit and reflect or wait. This should also serve as a reminder that Pompey's Pillar was a sacred place before it became a National Monument.

2. Shorts Warning. With warm weather, comes shorts. For girls especially, we discussed the Billings School District Policy. Shorts need to be longer than the child's finger tips when they put their arms down by their sides. Short shorts are in, and believe me it is almost impossible to find ones that are longer in Billings, but they are out there. Kids may also layer with leggings. Now that the warning has been issued classroom wide, from this point on it will be a phone call home to bring in new ones or borrow from the lost and found/school. Thanks for checking on this before kiddos walk out the door.

Homework tonight is a Sacajawea paper. Kids need to write a brief statement about what happened in the book in the beginning, middle, and end. They then need to illustrate with a picture that MATCHES their words below. 4th grade quality and EQ will factor in their grade. Kids also need to make sure and color their Lewis and Clark game pictures as well. They know my expectations. If you play the game with them tonight, write GAME in the planner for $50 tomorrow. It is pretty fun!

MT History notebooks are due tomorrow.

Tomorrow is our last library day. As of this point, everyone has their books turned in. Yay!!!

I leave you with a couple of pictures of field day part one from yesterday. The lightning in the distance cancelled the rest. It is rescheduled for next Wednesday. Mr. Pertuit needs volunteers, especially DADS. Please contact him through the office ASAP if you can help out. Thanks.

Have a great, great night. Looks like Mother nature doesn't want to play baseball again tonight! Boo!

Mrs. Grewell.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

7.5 More Days!

Hello there.

Great day! We started our last project in PLTW. Kids were given a story about having to unload a truck full of boxes of food to the food bank. How will they get them from the truck into the building using as little man power as possible. They have to come up with a machine that will do the work for them. Many of them thought of the conveyor belt which was awesome. Tomorrow, they will begin to design their plan on how to do this with the materials they have. Should be interesting! Ideas???? Share them with your kiddos! :0)

Tomorrow is field day. Arrowhead asks that no white shirts be worn on this day due to water station. It is just not appropriate at school. Thanks.

If it rains, field day will be moved to next Wednesday. The decision won't be made until lunch time tomorrow.

I took the Spinner's orders this morning and sent them in. The yogurt will be ready to go when we get there. We will go rain or shine! Don't forget those helmets, working bikes, and $5.

There is some missing work out there. School is not over, and homework is still not optional. Kids should have brought it home today. Those that have missing work and need extra time at school will be offered a quiet place during field day and field trips to catch up. Thanks.

Homework tonight is to read Ch. 9 in our Sacajawea book. Enjoy!!! Only two left!

The Tuesday folders came home today. Inside you will find information about our last spirit donation day. This one is close to home. Your $1 contribution will help buy flowers for our dear friends up at St. Johns. If you have ever been up there, it is like a magical garden. So beautiful!!! The residents up there are at Arrowhead 5 days a week volunteering with your kiddos. We have three just in our class. The spirit day part is Rainbow Day...just like their colorful gardens up there. 4th graders are to wear the color green on Friday. Teachers are wearing purple. Fun!

Landon and David....remember those library books please. :0)

I leave you with a picture of two kiddos that used one of their coupons today. Reece and Noah B enjoyed a day sitting on the yoga balls rather than their chairs today. Kids need to use those up soon. Lane and Noah L. don't forget your sodas tomorrow. :0)

Have a great, great night.
Mrs. Grewell

Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day!

Hello there. Happy Memorial Day weekend! Hopefully you were able to find a ceremony or picnic somewhere to celebrate those that have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. If so, write MEMORIAL in the planner for $50. As for my family, we went to the ceremony at the Rockvale Cemetery. Zach's father and nephew marched their way in. Zach's dad is the one holding the American Flag and our nephew is playing the drum. We go to this yearly, and every year it hits me. We are one pretty lucky country! If you can see what the name of the street was called that they marched down, write it in the planner for another $50. I SOOOOOO want to live on this street. :0)

The Ranch field trip was a BLAST! My goodness their learning came to life! They were also 100% well behaved and received many compliments. We had a great time together, as you can see!

Each child went home with a leather strap bracelet (just like the one Charlotte wore in our story) and a branded piece of wood with Zach's brand. We thought this would help kids remember all that they learned whenever they looked at it. A HUGE thank you to my husband for making all of these!

A BIG thank you to Morgan, Gwen, and Lauren's mom for all their help. It was great to not have to worry about problems arising with so much help. Awesome!

Next week is another busy one. We have field day on Wednesday and the Spinner's Bike ride on Friday. Fun times! In between, we will be learning, learning, learning! We will also wrap up our Sacajawea book this week along with our Lewis and Clark Unit in our MT History notebook.

Have a wonderful night!
Mrs. Grewell

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Field Trip Tomorrow!

Hi there.

Tomorrow is the big day....the Grewell Ranch!

1. Drink for lunch
2. Closed Shoes that can get dirty.
3. Electronics for Bus Ride
4. Sunscreen and Bugspray on BEFORE school.
5. Hat if desire.
6. We will not be in tall grass, so shorts are fine. Layers are always best.
7. Morgan, Gwen, and Lauren's parents need to be here at 8:30 please.
8. Bus leaves at 8:45 sharp.
9. Back around 2:00.
10. It is going to be SOOOOO much fun!

Before we leave tomorrow, we will have a short FaceTime session with our good friend Espen in Norway to just say hi. He misses us and we miss him!!!

Safe travels to the many going out of town tomorrow. Enjoy your trips and have a great time making family memories. Priceless!

Homework tonight is to read Ch. 8 in the Sacajawea book.

Have a great, great, great night!
Mrs. Grewell

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Sub Tomorrow Morning

Hello there.

We had a busy, busy day.

Kids went to the 5th grade band concert this morning. They got to see many of the instruments play solos and heard their sounds. This could be them next year!!!! I am telling you...those summer camps are the BEST!

Homework tonight is to read Ch. 7 in the Sacajawea book. I can tell they are learning a lot.

Some kiddos were successful in building a pulley system in PLTW and having it raise up their furniture into their treehouse. This was not easy, but wow!!! Great minds!!! Some groups are still working on it. They will get it! :0)

Happy Summer Birthday to Lauren. She earned some cash selling these yummy ice cream treats. Cha-ching! I hope her real one is just as fun!

There is a sub tomorrow. The sub is Mrs. McKenzie. She was Mrs. Gray's sub while she was on maternity leave so she knows all there is to know about 4th grade/rs. I went over the sub plans with the kids today so there would not be any surprises. Normal day. I will be back at noon.

Friday is the big ranch day. Kids need to make sure to have a drink for lunch. They may bring soda or whatever. Lunch will be provided: Hot dog, watermelon, deviled egg, chips, and a homemade cookie. Don't want problem....bring your own. :0) Kids also need to wear closed shoes that they don't mind getting dirty, and by dirty I mean stepping in animal poop. Flip! Gwen's dad and Morgan''s mom if you could be here at 8:30 that would be awesome. We leave right at 8:45.

Spelling tests are tomorrow due to Field Trip Friday.

Have a great, great night!
Mrs. Grewell

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Short Post-Gotta Mow Lawn Before it Rains. :0)

Hello there.

Homework tonight is to read Ch. 6 in the Sacajawea book. I have also asked kiddos to watch the news tonight. Not so much for the content, but to watch the anchors and field reporters. Our last Inquiry project is a news broadcast about all that they have learned in Unit 6 about ecosystems. Today, they began to write their scripts and it was difficult to explain to them how to use transitions like "Back to you in the studio, Bob." I am trying to get some actual anchors our here to share some tips of the trade, but in the mean time watching it might be a good idea. If your kiddo does watch the news with you, please write NEWS in the planner for $50 tomorrow.

Have a great, great night!!!!
Mrs. Grewell

Monday, May 18, 2015

Lions, Tigers, and Bears????

Hi there!

First off...WOW! Thank you to those of you that have donated to Mrs. Gleason and I's Go Fund Me Account for next year's fly time materials. It is not to late, and we still need donations. We are so excited to get the materials and then meet over summer to plan. (Seriously...teacher's love this stuff!!!!). Here is the link if you would like to help make our dream come true. Any amount helps. Thanks.

Homework tonight is to read Ch. 5 in the Sacajawea book. Quiz tomorrow.

All library books are due this week. We will not have library on Friday due to our field trip, so they need to be brought in throughout the week.

In MT History, we took a look at some animals and plants that Lewis and Clark have found so far. This was one of the missions given to them by President Jefferson. (And...did you know that Jefferson and Lewis were neighbors growing up??? Weird.) Ask your kiddo to tell you at least three animals they looked at today on their crossword puzzle. If they can, write ANIMAL in the planner for $10 tomorrow.

Have a great night!
Mrs. Grewell

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Howdy there!!! As a farmer's wife I have to say that I am LOVING this rain. As a soccer mom...not so much, and I think Noah's mom would agree. However, look at the medal he won! Wow! Great job Mr. Noah L! :0) I don't know about you but my lawn is about up to my knees. Should be fun mowing that this week.

Speaking of this week, it is going to be a fun one. We will be coming out to the Grewell Ranch on Friday. We leave right away and will return about 2. A branding lunch will be served (hotdogs, chips, watermelon, deviled eggs, and a homemade cookie). Kids need to bring their own beverage. They may bring soda or whatever they want. If kids don't like the menu, they can sure bring a sack lunch too.

In preparation of our trip, we will finish up the novel Riding Freedom. It is a story about a girl that dresses up as a boy to escape her life as a woman trapped in the kitchen at her orphanage. It is based on the true story of Charlotte Parkhurst. She becomes a famous stagecoach driver and loves horses more than people. The kids have LOVED listening to it each day. On our trip, our first stop will be to see all the horses and their equipment that is mentioned in the book. One lucky kid will get to ride a horse (be lead on it) if their ticket is drawn and have parent permission. If this is your kiddo, I will send home a note to sign. The story will come to life, as our presenter has also read the same book to ensure he hits all the things mentioned.

We calved early this year, so our branding is completely done. So, instead, we will have a piece of wood for each student that they can have branded and take home. I will show a video in class of the actual branding process. If you have ever been branding, you know that this might just well be a better option. PU! We have quiet a few animal LOVERS in here this year, so I was a little worried about the process anyway. A win, win for all.

We do have some baby animals this year. Over at Zach's brother's house he has baby geese, pigs, and some sheep. We will visit them after the horses. Of course we will go collect eggs in the chicken house and feed them as well.

Lastly, we will take a look at some equipment used in farming.

Please remind kids on Friday that they need to be on their best behavior and always be safe around animals. This means no running, no touching (unless okayed), and no loud noises. We don't want to have anyone or any animal get hurt or spooked.

Homework this week will once again be reading the Sacajawea book. I am cracking up how much these kids love this book and the QUIZZES! Really??? So cool! I love that they love learning. We will add many hands on activities to our MT History journals this week as well that will help solidify the information they are reading about.

Last week in Project Lead the Way Science, kids were given a flashlight and asked to take it apart and figure out how exactly it works. They had to follow wires from the on button to the battery and then to the circuit board. As you can see, they eventually figured out the path of energy: Chemical to mechanical to light to thermal. Wow, and all at the touch of a button!

I leave you with a special request. I spent some time this weekend finally reading your letters to me about how your kiddo has changed this year due to maturity and our Fly Time Meetings. From day one, I expressed to you that I am a 70% character building teacher and a 30% academic one. Now, that you have seen the growth yourself and the test scores, you can stand with me by saying that when a teacher wins the heart and trust of a teacher, the academic ability naturally sets in and flows out like a waterfall! Mrs. Gleason (third grade) and I took last summer and carefully designed Fly Time with a superhero theme for both our classes. We selected all the books that helped to bring the six traits of character to life. Thanks to Carl's dad and a PTA grant, we were able to purchase all of those books.

Now, Bri and I are ready to move it to the next level. We both recently went to a workshop about kids with autism and ADHD. It was a class that was designed to help teachers find strategies that help these kiddos be successful in our classrooms. What Bri and I quickly discovered is that they were using morning meetings and many of the ideas that we were using with all kids. They introduced us to the curriculum that they were using and Bri and I both immediately looked at each other. It was all done in a SuperHero theme. NO WAY! It is all done for us! We don't have to go searching for creative ways to get our messages/lessons across, and it is going to help all kids be successful. We both said...We gotta have this for next year! We understand that this is not for your kiddos, but I would love to give you the opportunity to pay it forward. Bri is doing the same thing (and I will have some of her kiddos next year). We have set up a Go Fund Me account in order to accept donations to purchase a set of books for each of us. The entire thing is close to $600. Obviously, Bri and I can't fund that ourselves, but if we all pitched in a little we could make it happen. We have entitled it, Do you BELIEVE in me? That is exactly what I am asking you. Has your child been influenced by me this year and my passion for character education? Have you seen enough proof that when this is established the academic results are also there? If so, I ask that you consider helping future generations do the same by making a donation. We also put this on Facebook, and Bri is adding it to her blog as well. We BELIEVE this can happen! A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Dowler who spotted it on Facebook and made a donation already. Bri and I were jumping up and down and screaming like school girls when we saw it change from $0. Exciting!!!!! (Yes we are SUPER dorks when it comes to this topic!) Thank you so much in advance, and yes it is tax deductible! :0) Here is the link to donate:, and this has been approved by Mrs. Meier. Thanks!

Have a wonderful, wonderful Sunday!
Mrs. Grewel

Thursday, May 14, 2015

3 More Weeks....Really????? Time Flies!

Hi there. Check out these kiddos connecting their Lead 21 reading about pond ecosystems and plankton by looking at some Grewell Ranch Pond Water in the microscopes. :0)

Homework tonight to read Sacajawea Ch. 4. I love how the kids are getting into this! They will love seeing it all come alive when we go to Pompey's Pillar as well. I love that they are getting the Native version of the history behind it as well.

States and Caps test went great. Most kiddos finished right away showing me that they knew their stuff. Like I told them, if they weren't done in 45 minutes they probably didn't know it very well. Most were done in ten. About six kids took on the challenge part. They could do the state locations as well if they wanted to. If they missed less than three, they can pick any grade in the gradebook and raise it to a 100%. Yay for them!!!

We took our final SRI test today. I will share those results with you soon, but they rocked it for the most part. This is the score they will start the 5th grade with. Almost everyone is on level or advanced. Yay!!! What a great year we have had!

A couple of things for next year to start thinking about...

1. 5th grade teachers are Mrs. Moore (she is moving up from 4th grade), Mrs. Bakken, Mr. Marquis, and Mrs. Eagle.
2. 5th graders have a choice of music, band, or orchestra next year. The summer camps for beginners came home a little while ago in the Tuesday Folders. They were yellow. Emma took this last year and she LOVED it. She was confident going in. She is going to take the year two for violin again this summer and she wants to also do the beginner flute. I say...yay! The more she learns the better. The teachers are both amazing!!! Check them out!
3. I am not moving up to 5th grade. :0) (Insert heavy sigh or sigh of relief here! :0))

Today, in PLTW science kiddos turned on a lightbulb using a battery. Ask them about this. If they can tell you which side made their light turn red, write it in the planner: negative or positive? $10.

Today in MT. History, kids had to decide if they would have gone on the journey with Lewis and Clark. They had to think of that time period. That meant no iPods, no cars, no cameras...yikes! Do you think your kiddo would have made it for two years??? Write YES or NO in the planner for your opinion for $50 tomorrow. I am pretty sure Emma would, but her brother way! :0)

Have a wonderful, wonderful night! I will be freezing on the soccer field! :0)
Mrs. Grewell

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

All 50 States and Capitals Test Tomorrow!


Homework: Read Ch. 3 in Sacajawea book.

Ask your kiddo what the 3 missions for Lewis and Clark were that Jefferson gave them. If they can tell you all three (animals/plants, Befriend Indians, and Make accurate maps of NW Passage) write MISSION in the planner for $10.

Have a great one!
Mrs. Grewell

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Hi there.

Homework tonight is to read Ch. 2 of the Sacajawea book. Kids took Quiz 1 today in class. Now, they know what the format is like. Many had to use their book, which was GREAT! I could tell though those that didn't quite get it read last night or did not have a very good discussion about it, because they were having to go back and read every sentence in the chapter. Again, I encouraged kids to get you to do this with them to help them connect their reading to meaningful discussions.

Thanks for your donations and for volunteering. Here is what I have so far:

Ranch: Gwen's Dad and Morgan's Mom
Pompeys Pillar: Gwen's Dad
Spinner's Bike Ride: Gwen's Dad, Avery's Mom, and Morgan's Mom. STILL need a truck driver....MR. Dowler?????? Anyone?????

I know that Mr. Pertuit is also going to be looking for volunteers for field day on May 27th. Please contact him if you can/want to help there as well.

We are having a great time learning all about animals and their food webs. Ask your  kiddo about the science game we played today. Did they gain energy or lose energy? We had a couple that ended up becoming extinct. :0( If they can tell you about this in a way that you get it, write WEB in the planner for $10 tomorrow.

Tuesday folders were empty except Hanna's. Please just sign and return. Easy $50!

Have a great, great night.
Mrs. Grewell

Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy Summer Birthday Dominic!

Hi there.

We began our new Montana History Unit today. The Natives now have horses and guns and life as they knew it is now in the past. Today, we added the Louisiana Purchase to their plate and will discover how very different their life will be very soon. We will travel along with Lewis, Clark, and Sacajawea to explore the West that we purchased from France. We talked about how this is often known as the Westward Expansion, but it is equally known as the Easter Invasion. It all depends on which group of people's perspective you are looking at.

To go along with this unit, I handed out a novel called The Story of Sacajawea, Guide to Lewis and Clark. This will be our final book report book for the year. Tonight's homework is to read Ch. 1, New Life. They may listen to you read it, take turns reading it with you, or read it alone. They are NOT to read past the assigned chapter each night. Their morning work will be a quiz over the chapter read the previous night this week. I highly recommend you reading along as well as your rich discussions will help kids make connections and understand it more. Even if they chose to read it alone, if you could also read it and talk about it in the car that would be so powerful. Kids will need to show mastery of this content (pass quizzes) in order to come along on the Pompey's Pillar field trip. If they don't get this book, then they will not be able to make the connections there and will most likely become a behavior problem. Thanks for your  help on this one! :0) Enjoy a quality bed time story! :)

Spelling words have been posted to the right. Alternate testers will be decided by Friday's test.

States and Capital's test is this Thursday. I showed kiddos 4 games online (go to my old blog) today to help them practice matching them correctly. I encourage them to play those at home as well. There are also MANY apps for iPods and iPads out there for free too.

I printed off 20 missing assignment papers today. AHHHHHH!!! This is rare for this class. Some of us had a VERY serious discussion this morning how this is not acceptable. Many kids stayed in at recess to get caught up, and there are only a few left to finish tonight. Please check online to see if this applies to your kiddo. The gradebook is up to date! Everything turned in as of 3:00 today has been graded and recorded.

It has been asked by the 4th grade team that we order another bus for Pompey's Pillar. We only had two busses for 115 kids to Arbor Day. That was without backpacks and three in a seat. It was pretty squished. Pompey's is a 45-50 minute ride and it might get a little more squished with all the gear taken along. Would it be ok if we took the $3 you payed for the Arbor Day Trip that I have to refund you and put it toward another bus for this trip? Please write YES or NO in the planner for $50. If you write NO, I will refund your money to you. Thanks.

Chaparones are needed for the following. Please write in the planner if you can help out.
Pompey's Pillar (June 2nd, all day)-1 Parent needed
Grewell Ranch (May 22nd, all day)-1 Parent needed
Spinners Bike Ride-(May 29, 11-1)-2 Parents needed to ride along (I already have Avery's mom as the 3rd) and 1 Parent with a truck needed to follow in case of break downs. (Mr. Dowler???????)

It was GREAT to have Hanna back today. She shared all about her trip to DisneyWorld today. Fun in the sun!!! We hope to have Cayden back soon, and are thinking of him during this difficult time. Gabrielle...have a wonderful trip to Florida to see your brother!

Happy Summer Birthday to Dominic. He sure did make some cash selling those super yummy cupcakes. I have never seen Oreo or Mint Chocolate Chip cupcakes before. Yum! I hope your real day is just as fun Dominic!

Have a wonderful night. Emma finished Volleyball this weekend, so I can actually go home and have dinner tonight! Fantastic! :0)

Mrs. Grewell

Sunday, May 10, 2015

When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child. Sophia Loren

Hi there. Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms! I so enjoyed my day starting with a homemade breakfast in bed from my kids. Nothing like Poptarts and raspberries with a Sunny D to show your mom love. :0) We then enjoyed a wonderful service at church and then a family dinner made by the husbands. Now, it is relax time for the rest of the day. I hope your's was just as awesome. I felt for all of you that celebrated outside watching your kid's play sports all weekend! Brrrr!

Hopefully your kiddo gave you their little card they made with the picture of your egg grandchild. :0) I loved reading their letters to you. Precious!

If you did not read the post below this one that I posted on Friday about the field trip, please do so. Also, thank you all so very much for spoiling me last week. I will enjoy shopping with my class Amazon Card this summer. I have a basketful of things I have wanted in my cart for awhile now. Thanks!!! A HUGE thank you also to Avery's mom for organizing our fun donut celebration at the end of the day. Glazed donuts for everyone...except me! I got the only maple bar!!!! There must have been a little birdie in the classroom that shared my love for those! :0) Your kindness filled my bucket and my belly!!! Thanks again.

We don't have a field trip this week. So, it will be work as usual. I graded a MILLION papers this weekend. There is A LOT of missing work that is bringing down kid's grades. Please check online to see if this applies to your kiddo and have them finish it up soon. I also have a TON of papers with no names on them. Yikes! Kids will be able to check those out and claim them tomorrow.

Miss. Kyra was star of the week last week. I LOVE that she loves such fun hobbies like card collecting. She also loves to read (yay!!!), play UNO, and shares a BFF big eyed stuffed animal with Hanna. Fun! Thanks for sharing with us Kyra!

It was fun to go around the school and deliver the cards the kids made last week for homework to some of their favorite teachers. I know it sure made those teacher's day! So thoughtful!

We will be back to spelling this week. I was not happy with the results or challenge of the new spelling series, so we are back to the book. There will once again be challenge words. The test will be on Friday.

The big 50 states and capital's test will be this Thursday. We have done many review sheets to help with this review...and review it should be. All year long the kids have been told to keep working on these. All our iPad/computer time will be reserved for playing some games/apps that will help the studying process as well. Remember, the location of the 50 states will be totally optional. The matching of the 50 states and capitals will be mandatory. They will NOT need to know how to spell them. It will be strictly matching.

Well, have a wonderful week.
Mrs. Grewell