Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Capacity for hope is the most significant fact of life. It provides human beings with a sense of destination and the energy to get started. Norman Cousins

*NOTE: Camera died before I could download today's pictures. I will post them when I get home!*

What a great quote out of my Believe book! If only I had the energy these days. C'mon 2nd trimester!!! Get here already! :0)

Quarter One ends this Friday. I will submit grades to Mrs. Meier. If students still have missing assignments, they need to get them in ASAP if they want them included in their grade average. Remember, you can always check the online grade book for the up to date information. Missing assignments are like missiles to grade point averages. Wow…great simile Grewell!!!

Today in class, we read an Amelia Bedilia book with a Halloween theme. Kids then were given an idiom or the real meaning of the idiom from the book. They then had to find their matches. Fun!

We also did a really fun activity using our cursive skills. We made these fun cursive skeletons. Their names actually became the backbones and then they added the rest. They turned out so cool! Don't you love when learning is fun!

We did a review for the science test today in class. Kids used a program called Kahoot. It is like a trivia game using the iPads. I pose the question, they log in the answer they choose. We played the game twice and discussed as we went along. They are ready to rock the test tomorrow! BELIEVE!

Homework tonight is to continue with their book reports. They will do the Plot/Major Events section. I modeled how to divide it into Beginning, Middle, and End and gave them my example. Full sentences and detailed sentences are what I am looking for. When kids use general thoughts on here, I often become suspicious and end up reading their book over the weekend to try to discover what they were thinking. They need to show solid evidence that they read their book and understood it.

I LOVED all the superheroes in here today!! Seeing how we have the theme in our classroom already, this one really hit home for us! So fun! Even the teachers had a great time, as you can see! Tomorrow, we "must-ache" kids to say no to drugs. Kids are encouraged to wear black and white and done a fun mustache if they have one. Oh my!

I forgot to post a great picture last night. We welcomed back Noah B yesterday. He was visiting his dad and brother over the weekend. Mom shared this photo with me. How special to have such wonderful times together with families. :0) Thanks for sharing with me!

A couple of kiddos brought back their permission slips for the movie and dry ice day on Friday with only the front filled out. There were two different places that needed signed. So, if they come home again, that is why. :0) I appreciate all those that were returned today, and for you trusting me with such a sensitive issue and movie.

Tomorrow morning we will continue our journey of the path that leads AWAY from drugs. Today, we talked about all the alternative choices one could make instead of getting bored at home, which leads to dangerous paths as middle and high schoolers. We gotta stay busy!!! I love that so many of these kids are already in that pattern with sports, dance, and other fun activities. We will welcome our police officer tomorrow and question him to death I am sure! Of course, all will be kept on a 4th grade level.

I think that about says it all! Have a super spectacular night!
Mrs. Grewell

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