Sunday, October 19, 2014

Cupcakes Needed This Friday! :0)

Howdy Folks!

It feels like ages ago that I last blogged to you. Please make sure you read the blog above this one if you missed it last week. You can also write in the code word if you missed it! :0) I LOVE that over half the class checks the blog even though chances were high that I would not blog. So awesome!!! Thank you for being so dedicated!

Last Friday (Wednesday) we had a wonderful time joining up with MCC for their Make a Difference Project. The kids LOVED painting the boards with black chalkboard paint. They worked together and the worked carefully. I was very proud of all of them. Some went home with a  little paint, but over all they were careful, careful. Thanks for the paint clothes! Here is what the project will look like when they hang it downtown. Ours won't say Before I Die. It will say I can make a difference in Billings by…I will make sure to let you know when it is up and ready. It will be hung next weekend. The contact person at MCC for this project is Erin. (Hint, hint to anyone that might want to capture this moment in time for Billings and put it on the news. :0)).

Erin started the project out in the classroom by making a classroom sized poster similar to the one that will be hung downtown. Each kiddo came up and added to the list on what they wanted a neighborhood to be like. They also made name tags, but instead of writing their names, they wrote words of how they can make a difference. Fun!

Then, we finally went outside to paint! Well done 4th graders!!!

This weekend, I was surprised with a couple of very fun pictures. Gwen was in Thermopolis, Wyoming. It looks as if she needs to jump in those hot pools!!! Brrrrr! According to mom, she had a great time learning all about the area and what it entails! Awesome!!!

Hanna and family went to Washington, DC. She sent these pictures of her by the Washington Monument and at Arlington Cemetery where she watched the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. We will be learning about this VERY soon!!!! This brought me back to my Florida teaching days where we took our 5th graders on a field trip to DC on a train and stayed for a week. Awesome fun!!! Thanks for bringing me back to some fun memories Hanna! I hope you had a BLAST!

Thanks to both kiddos for sharing with me. I LOVE being a part of your world!

We welcomed back Kyra from her family trip to Pennsylvania. It was great to have her back in the classroom. We missed her! A HUGE thank you to her for bringing me back some beautiful fall pressed leaves that she found there. Look at those colors! I loved the picture she sent with her in the fall background. I love that she brought me back a piece of it. Definitely a gift from the heart…just like Bradley says in our book! :0)

This week begins our box top collection contest. Will it be the cats or the GRIZ????? Bring those box tops in, starting tomorrow, and put them in the bag of your choice! May the best team (GRIZ) win! :0)

This coming Friday, we will kick off the beginning of Red Ribbon Week. Although, the actual week starts the following week, I like to have my first guest speaker come before it starts. He is a DEA agent and goes undercover often in the drug world. Every year, I have him come in and tell the story behind Red Ribbon Week. He talks about DEA Agent Kiki Camarena and how he gave his life to help make the USA a safe place to live, especially for kids. His life ending is tragic, but it will be shared in an age appropriate way. We will do many activities for this week. Watch for permission slips coming home soon. I am a big believer that 4th graders are ready for the truth, but only in a way that is age appropriate. All of our guest speakers will know that coming in. In the past, it has been an awesome week during fly time!!!! There will also be dress up days to show school unity in this fight against drugs. Those will be posted soon! :0)

Academically this week…

Math: Finish algebra by looking into equations and solving across an equals sign by using the reciprocal of the given operation. Wow!

Lead 21: New unit! Going green. Students will read about how to help keep the Earth safe. We will work on predicting, literal questions, inferential questions, and determining importance of information all throughout the unit. Kids will also be responsible for a new inquiry project. This one will be full of action! Kids will need to do something that will make a difference in their community or school. Fun!

Language: Plural nouns

Spelling: long and short oo sounds. Congratulations to Landon, Noah B, Noah L, Reece, Krissy, Claire, Avery, AJ, Espen, Dominic, Adler, Gabrielle, Josh, Carl, Gwen, Cayden, and Kyra for making alternate club this week!

S.S.: Northeast Region

MT History: Major Cities and a scavenger hunt

Science: Weather fronts

Mark those calendars: THIS Friday is the PTA Halloween Party at Arrowhead. Get those costumes out and ready. I can't wait to see you there. Remember, they are in need of cupcakes! One dozen is all they need from you! So, I can let them know who they can count on, please write YES if you are planning on donating a dozen fun Halloween themed cupcakes or NO if you can't help out this time in the planner for $10 tomorrow. Thanks!!!

I am excited to leave you today with a HUGE , HUGE shout out to Carl's dad, Doug!!!! His company, Treasure State Engineering, donated the needed funds to buy the rest of the books Mrs. Gleason and I needed for our Fly Time Meetings!!!! We are doing the biggest happy dance right now! Thank you so very much Mr. Strand! You and your business just made a difference in the lives of kids for years to come! Thank You!!!!!

Have a wonderful Sunday!
Mrs. Grewell

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