Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I truly believe that we have infinite levels of power that we don't even know are available to us. Michael J. Fox

Hi there. What a great day in the 4th grade.

We started the day off in Fly Time talking about the different drugs that are considered medical, legal for adults, and illegal for all. Then I asked the kiddos why they thought people even did drugs in the first place. Their answers were spot on! I was amazed how many really connected with the wanting to be older or like an older sibling. We tend to forget as parents how much our little ones look up to those older ones don’t we. I am praying that my own always have positive role models in their lives. It is so easy to stray to the difficult path and explore the unknown due to pure curiosity. Tomorrow, we will talk about ways to keep out of the path of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. We will look at alternative choices such as going bowling rather than to a house party. What a great, grade level appropriate discussion we had!

Thursday morning, I have invited a police officer to join us during Fly Time. He is going to share choices…consequences for kids that do drugs, tobacco, and/or alcohol from a legal perspective. He will also drive home the fact that choices and patterns they make now do and will forever affect their character as a person in the near and far away future. Awesome! Thank you to Lauren’s dad for making that happen for us!!!

After lunch, we took a look at the 7 reservations found in Montana during MT History. Next we will look at the flags of each reservation and look into some of the symbols on them. Just like our flag has significance, so does there. Pretty cool. 

After that, we headed down the hall to Mrs. Powell's room to help our 2nd grade buddies make a fun puffy ghost made of shaving cream and glue. They just love hanging out with these littles! :0)

In the Tuesday folder, you will find the permission slip kids need to watch the Drug Free movie on Friday morning and to do the Dry Ice experiments Friday afternoon. Please return the slips tomorrow.

Speaking of Dry Ice…Mr. Meier was in the house this afternoon. He works for the National Weather Station. He did a very cool experiment using dry ice to make clouds and even a tornado!!!! Check out the video and pictures below. It was awesome to have him discuss the dangers and safety needed to work with dry ice as well. Yay!!! Mr. Meier also shared some actual rain gauges and other fancy tools to determine wind speed and direction with us. We will play a review game using the Ipads tomorrow to prepare us for our final weather test on Thursday afternoon. Kahoot…here we come!!!

Homework tonight is to continue coloring those book report pictures and to do the setting portion of the report. I modeled mine in class. Setting, at the 4th grade level, deals not only with where the story is taking place, but also when. So, kids can try to add in a sentence about the month or year their story is taking place or even if it is night or day. This is in addition to the regular place setting.

My setting example: My story took place in October around Halloween time. My story also took place at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School. (Time and place).

With just a little bit of homework tonight, kids can also use their time to study those spelling words and states and capitals. :0)

It was fun to “Boot out Drugs” today. The kids really got into it. Here is a fun picture to prove it. Tomorrow is Be a Hero, not a Zero! Kids may wear any and all superhero gear they own. I can’t wait to see the capes fly! :0)

Have a wonderful night!

Mrs. Grewell

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