Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Bullies and Blacktops…BAD news!

Hello there.

Homework tonight is three fold.

1. Kids brought home their graded Mountain Language Sheet. Tonight, they need to sit down with you and correct the ones they got wrong. Here is the board that they were working off of. They do this weekly so having a discussion with you is going to make the next ones easier and easier.  You MUST sign the top of the sheet when done. Thanks.

2. The state math sheet tonight is telling time.

3. Kids have papers from music class with Mrs. Waddell about the upcoming Veteran's Day concert. Please mark the date and make sure that your kiddo has the needed clothing required to perform in this concert. Kids have worked so hard to memorize these songs that proudly stand for the great country we call home and all those that protect it!

In Fly Time today, we talked about the death of the young (12 years old) lady at Riverside. She took her own life due to Bully issues happening at school. I would say that kids are too young to understand or even learn about this, but clearly I would be the fool to think that since it is two years away from these little ones, and only one year from my own daughter. Many kids wanted to know how she died from bullying. I shared with them that sometimes we get soooo sad that our body shuts down and no longer wants to be on Earth to feel the pain anymore. We did not go into the S "word" nor the definition. Having history of this in my very own family (my sister did this four years ago) I too am sensitive to talking about this topic. Therefore, I told them to ask you. I feel this is an issue for home and sensitivity from you the parent. What I wanted them to get out of it, was that in Fly Time I will give them tools to use when they are bullied or if they see someone else getting bullied. That way this never happens to them or someone they know. If you talk about this tonight, please write Bully in the planner for $50.

Thank you to over half of you that have donated to Arrowhead Elementary PTA donation drive. Wow! Thanks, thanks, thanks! Please remember to write in DONATED if you do so anytime this week for kids to earn the $100 reward.

Have a fantastic night! I sure hope Reece is feeling better tomorrow from his war with the blacktop. Ouch!!!! I despise that darn stuff. Kids are constantly falling on that! :0(

If you have a shoe box or two or three, please send in tomorrow for a science lab. Thanks.

Mrs. Grewell

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