Monday, October 6, 2014


Happy Monday!!!

The wind is back, yet these kiddos are still doing sooooooo well with their EQ. I am so very proud of all of them. In the short amount of time we have been together, things have just really settled in. We are getting so much done each day, and that is because of their high EQ. Love it!

Midterms FINALLY came home today. The front page is about their classroom behavior/EQ. Kids know that they need to talk about this with you tonight and come up with an action plan to do even better, starting tomorrow. Many kiddos went home with the nothing needed box checked. They are just doing great, great, great things. Great choices…great consequences. Please sign and return only this sheet tomorrow. The back pages are their grades thus far. However, there have been more added since I printed them. Please always check online to see the most updated. Missing assignments are the number one grade killer. They can drop an A to a C or even an F if there are only a few grades to average. You will know it is a missing assignment because it will say MA in the grade book online. (Missing Assignment). Overall, I am so impressed with all the kids. The work in here is not easy. They have to really think to earn those grades. If you do ever hear that school is too easy, please let me know immediately! If you discuss the midterm with your child tonight, write MIDTERM in the planner for $10 tomorrow.

Homework tonight is Math-4-Today. It is in their orange daily homework journal. We have been doing this together in class up to this point, and are still doing so in the language part of it. However, the kids are ready to do it on their own in the math portion. Kids also need to read for at least 15 minutes in their October book report book. They MUST bring these books to school tomorrow so I can record the titles.

After correcting the addition and subtraction quizzes today, kids did MUCH better! Those that didn't, will work with one of our volunteers this week and then retest again.

Kids shared their book reports from last month with other classmates today. It was super fun for the kids that read the same book as another student. They took away totally different things from the stories, and it was fun for them to compare them. The other kids had fun as well. They got to hear about another fun book and ask questions they had about their posters. Now, they will become a hall display!

I leave you tonight with a picture and some exciting news. Gabrielle was so kind and filled my bucket this morning at Fly Time. She brought me a little gift back from Florida. When I saw the BELIEVE journal I almost started crying. Zach and I just found out last week that we are expecting a baby in June. I was going to go tonight and buy a special journal to write in during the pregnancy. Now, I have an extra special one. I also can't wait to wear the starfish earrings tomorrow. And, black…my favorite color in the world!!! I also love, love, love my shiny apple. It will forever remain on my desk! Thank you so very much Gabrielle and family for making my day extra special. Love it!

Have a wonderful evening!
Mrs. Grewell

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Dominic was SO excited to tell me that you're expecting a baby!
