Well, hello there. What a wacky Montana weather day!!!! I can't believe how awesome this class was with all that craziness out there!!! Sunny, to windy, to rainy, to freezing! I told the kids the same thing I tell my own two kiddos…when you live in Montana in the fall, you should ALWAYS have a hat and a pair of gloves in the bottom of your backpack. Please remind them to do this tonight. They were FREEZING at lunch recess!!! We do go out unless it is too wet or below zero. If your child does this, please write MONTANA in the planner for $10.
As you can see, we finished up those origami hurricanes. The kids were sooooo excited! They were twirling them around, putting them on the big wall map in the oceans, and making the eye bigger and smaller! They were a little mad when I told them they had to leave them here for a wall display. :0) They will come home next week…and/or…they can make another one at home with you if they just can't stand the wait. :0) Kids also wrote one fact that they remembered learning about hurricanes. Do I have the best job ever or what! If you are in the building, please check them out. They are in the hall by the library.
Happy Brithday to Reece. The BIG 10 today! We helped him celebrate by eating his yummy cookies which turned our mouths and teeth bright blue! A happy day to him!!! I hope you have a ton of fun at the corn maze and Spinners as well! Happy Birthday buddy!
Tomorrow, we will have our homophone spelling test and we will take a mastery test on adding, subtracting, and column addition with large numbers. We have been practicing daily on these three skills. I have had kids work a problem, come up to me to get it checked, go work another problem, and so on. Subtraction was the hardest for them, but today it was pretty much smooth sailing. Please know that if your child does not show mastery on a math test, they are worked with one on one with either myself or an adult tutor that comes in M-Th and then is given a chance to retest. The goal for me is to have them eventually understand the content and show mastery on their own. :0)
Homework tonight is a cursive sheet. We now know letters a-u. We will finish up the lower alphabet next week and then start the Upper case. They will then start their cursive 4th grade books where they will write a famous quote and author instead of just words. You will see this blue book come home once a week in two weeks. Yay!
Tomorrow kids will get their new book report book in library class. The theme is haunted story, scary story, or Halloween themed. Mr. Casey has books to share with them as examples. The only one they will NOT be allowed to do is The worst/best Halloween Ever. We will be reading that one aloud in class. Kids will have three weeks to complete their story. Please remind kids to bring back their other books to turn in tomorrow. I have their school themed ones and will return those as I finish grading them. So far, reports have been awesome for the most part! I have had to read a few of the books in order to help a couple students understand my expectations a little better. Please make sure kids are actually reading these books at home. Thanks!
If you are free tomorrow from 11:30-12:15 I need ya. Kids will be doing accelerated math and often need help one on one. Just show up, sign in, and come on back. Thanks.
Have a great and warm night!
Mrs. Grewell
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