Thursday, October 30, 2014

BELIEVE that opportunity is everywhere and all around you.

Oh my what a FANTASTIC day!!!!

I could not have asked for a better start to the day than the one Officer Keightley brought to our Drug Free lessons. He just brought it all together for us. Kids learned about what happens if they chose the path of drugs now. He also shared with them how one wrong choice can effect the entire family, and often destroy it. He told kids that 90% of all their calls have something to do with drugs or alcohol related activities. What I loved most though, was that he over and over and over again stressed that it was a CHOICE made by ONE individual (you) to cause the consequence. There is only one person to blame, and that person is the one looking back at you in the mirror.

Tomorrow morning we will watch the Little House on the Movie video. Lauren and AJ need to make sure to bring back their permission slips signed tomorrow. Kids will be given the opportunity to buy popcorn and a "red ribbon" drink with their fake money. This will be their snack tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning we will also spend ALL of our hard earned cash. Kids have been saving for this day!!! I am so proud of all the kids in here. They have learned to budget, spend wisely, and take care of their money. Way to go future citizens! Part of their homework tonight is to start to think about which coupons they want to buy. They are $300 each. After the buy in, all yellow money will be collected-spent or not- and all kids will start over on Monday (Quarter 2) with a different colored money. Fines will also go up from the basic $20 to a basic $50 each time. Of course that is flexible in specific situations and when kids need a stiffer fine. Warnings are always given if I am raising a rate.

All missing assignments are due tomorrow. Kids that still have them, will work on them tomorrow during the movie. Grades are due to Mrs. Meier at 3 pm tomorrow. After that, it will be too late.

We finally got to our weather temperature lab today. The sun was shining so we went to measuring. Our data showed us just what we predicted. The darker the color, the more heat it will absorb. Our boxes were not working so well, so like good scientists do, we changed our plan. :0) Kids were asked to bring their box back home. Those that did not, were told that it would be disposed of tonight. Poor natural resources. :0(

Homework tonight is to finish up those book reports. They MUST be colored. Kids know. Students MUST bring in the actual book as well tomorrow to turn in with the report. I am excited to read some great books and reports! SCARY time!!!! :0)

Weather Unit tests were taken today. I will have them graded and put in the book before tomorrow. I am sure they did great!!!

Spelling tests tomorrow. Study, study.

Monday marks NOVEMBER already! Yikes. Time flies when you are having fun learning. That means our first States and Capital's test will be in less than two weeks away. Kids have been studying hard in here and doing puzzles like crazy to help them learn the locations of all 11 states.

I leave you with our fun picture of all the black, white, and mustaches we had today. We actually had 100% participate today. Gotta love Carl for showing his black and white checkered shoes!!! Awesome Sauce!!! Tomorrow, kids may show their united spirit by wearing any team attire they have. It can be college, pro, or just their own. This one to me symbolizes kids staying active and busy to avoid boredom, which leads to issues. So…grab that GRIZ gear and get it on! :0)

Mrs. Grewell

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Capacity for hope is the most significant fact of life. It provides human beings with a sense of destination and the energy to get started. Norman Cousins

*NOTE: Camera died before I could download today's pictures. I will post them when I get home!*

What a great quote out of my Believe book! If only I had the energy these days. C'mon 2nd trimester!!! Get here already! :0)

Quarter One ends this Friday. I will submit grades to Mrs. Meier. If students still have missing assignments, they need to get them in ASAP if they want them included in their grade average. Remember, you can always check the online grade book for the up to date information. Missing assignments are like missiles to grade point averages. Wow…great simile Grewell!!!

Today in class, we read an Amelia Bedilia book with a Halloween theme. Kids then were given an idiom or the real meaning of the idiom from the book. They then had to find their matches. Fun!

We also did a really fun activity using our cursive skills. We made these fun cursive skeletons. Their names actually became the backbones and then they added the rest. They turned out so cool! Don't you love when learning is fun!

We did a review for the science test today in class. Kids used a program called Kahoot. It is like a trivia game using the iPads. I pose the question, they log in the answer they choose. We played the game twice and discussed as we went along. They are ready to rock the test tomorrow! BELIEVE!

Homework tonight is to continue with their book reports. They will do the Plot/Major Events section. I modeled how to divide it into Beginning, Middle, and End and gave them my example. Full sentences and detailed sentences are what I am looking for. When kids use general thoughts on here, I often become suspicious and end up reading their book over the weekend to try to discover what they were thinking. They need to show solid evidence that they read their book and understood it.

I LOVED all the superheroes in here today!! Seeing how we have the theme in our classroom already, this one really hit home for us! So fun! Even the teachers had a great time, as you can see! Tomorrow, we "must-ache" kids to say no to drugs. Kids are encouraged to wear black and white and done a fun mustache if they have one. Oh my!

I forgot to post a great picture last night. We welcomed back Noah B yesterday. He was visiting his dad and brother over the weekend. Mom shared this photo with me. How special to have such wonderful times together with families. :0) Thanks for sharing with me!

A couple of kiddos brought back their permission slips for the movie and dry ice day on Friday with only the front filled out. There were two different places that needed signed. So, if they come home again, that is why. :0) I appreciate all those that were returned today, and for you trusting me with such a sensitive issue and movie.

Tomorrow morning we will continue our journey of the path that leads AWAY from drugs. Today, we talked about all the alternative choices one could make instead of getting bored at home, which leads to dangerous paths as middle and high schoolers. We gotta stay busy!!! I love that so many of these kids are already in that pattern with sports, dance, and other fun activities. We will welcome our police officer tomorrow and question him to death I am sure! Of course, all will be kept on a 4th grade level.

I think that about says it all! Have a super spectacular night!
Mrs. Grewell

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I truly believe that we have infinite levels of power that we don't even know are available to us. Michael J. Fox

Hi there. What a great day in the 4th grade.

We started the day off in Fly Time talking about the different drugs that are considered medical, legal for adults, and illegal for all. Then I asked the kiddos why they thought people even did drugs in the first place. Their answers were spot on! I was amazed how many really connected with the wanting to be older or like an older sibling. We tend to forget as parents how much our little ones look up to those older ones don’t we. I am praying that my own always have positive role models in their lives. It is so easy to stray to the difficult path and explore the unknown due to pure curiosity. Tomorrow, we will talk about ways to keep out of the path of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. We will look at alternative choices such as going bowling rather than to a house party. What a great, grade level appropriate discussion we had!

Thursday morning, I have invited a police officer to join us during Fly Time. He is going to share choices…consequences for kids that do drugs, tobacco, and/or alcohol from a legal perspective. He will also drive home the fact that choices and patterns they make now do and will forever affect their character as a person in the near and far away future. Awesome! Thank you to Lauren’s dad for making that happen for us!!!

After lunch, we took a look at the 7 reservations found in Montana during MT History. Next we will look at the flags of each reservation and look into some of the symbols on them. Just like our flag has significance, so does there. Pretty cool. 

After that, we headed down the hall to Mrs. Powell's room to help our 2nd grade buddies make a fun puffy ghost made of shaving cream and glue. They just love hanging out with these littles! :0)

In the Tuesday folder, you will find the permission slip kids need to watch the Drug Free movie on Friday morning and to do the Dry Ice experiments Friday afternoon. Please return the slips tomorrow.

Speaking of Dry Ice…Mr. Meier was in the house this afternoon. He works for the National Weather Station. He did a very cool experiment using dry ice to make clouds and even a tornado!!!! Check out the video and pictures below. It was awesome to have him discuss the dangers and safety needed to work with dry ice as well. Yay!!! Mr. Meier also shared some actual rain gauges and other fancy tools to determine wind speed and direction with us. We will play a review game using the Ipads tomorrow to prepare us for our final weather test on Thursday afternoon. Kahoot…here we come!!!

Homework tonight is to continue coloring those book report pictures and to do the setting portion of the report. I modeled mine in class. Setting, at the 4th grade level, deals not only with where the story is taking place, but also when. So, kids can try to add in a sentence about the month or year their story is taking place or even if it is night or day. This is in addition to the regular place setting.

My setting example: My story took place in October around Halloween time. My story also took place at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School. (Time and place).

With just a little bit of homework tonight, kids can also use their time to study those spelling words and states and capitals. :0)

It was fun to “Boot out Drugs” today. The kids really got into it. Here is a fun picture to prove it. Tomorrow is Be a Hero, not a Zero! Kids may wear any and all superhero gear they own. I can’t wait to see the capes fly! :0)

Have a wonderful night!

Mrs. Grewell

Monday, October 27, 2014

BELIEVE in fresh starts and new beginnings!

Hi there!

Happy Halloween and Red Ribbon Week.

We started both off this morning. We read a fun book called, I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat at Fly Time this morning. It was just a fun way to get in the Halloween mood. The most common feeling today was I am feeling happy or excited because Halloween is on Friday! Me tooooooo!!! I love Halloween! Why? Well, you may think it was because I was born on the day 41 years ago…but you are wrong! I just love, love, love CANDY!!!! (Which happens to be my older sister's name! No wonder I love her so much!!!) She however wasn't too impressed with me being born on the day she was supposed to go out and get some!!! She probably had to trick or treat the nurses stations that year. :0(

For Red Ribbon Week, we reviewed the story of DEA Agent Camarena. We also started our Fly Time Packet. Today, it simply explained how saying no to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco all deals with the six traits of character! We will look further into each trait and how it relates to this awesome week. Some sheets in our packet are super easy, but the conversations about them are powerful.

Today, kids also had to look at some pictures of different drugs and determine if they were medical, legal for adults only, or illegal for everyone. Take a minute and go over these with kiddos tonight before we go over them tomorrow morning and have a discussion at home. If you do, write DRUGS in the planner for $20 tomorrow. You reenforcing what we do at school on this topic only makes it that much more powerful and builds those conversations that will allow them to trust you in the future when they need to talk to you again about it. :0)

Many kiddos showed their united spirit of just saying no by wearing red, white, AND blue to school today! These outfits will also work wonderfully for the upcoming Veteran's Day concert in November! Tomorrow kids can help "Give Drugs the Boot" by dressing in western attire. Yeehaw! Those that do, will earn another $50. Go team Arrowhead!!!

Tomorrow, Mr. Meier will be in the classroom to talk weather tools with us. This will wrap up our weather unit. Final test will be on Thursday. We will review in class on Wednesday and kids will write down anything they still need to study.

It would be great if a parent could come in and help on Friday afternoon from 2-3 while we do our Dry Ice experiments. Please text or write me in the planner if you are available. Two would even be more helpful! Thanks in advance!

Homework tonight is two/three fold.
1. A Halloween math sheet. Kids need to substitute numbers in using the key, and then subtract them correctly. Boo!
2. Book Report Part 1. We created the report today in class. Tonight, kids need to fill in the character section. Kids need to write it on the attached lined paper rather than the ones on the actual picture. They also need to write M for main character or S for supporting character on each of the characters listed. They also need to begin to color the haunted house picture in their neatest 4th grade coloring. They can use crayons, colored pencil, paint, glitter, stickers, whatever. Just neat!

3. Some kids have classwork for reading or a graphing math sheet that they need to finish up.

A special thank you to Reece and his mom today. They gave me a fun BELIEVE book full of quotes. As you know, I love to put those on top of the blog posts. Thank you for the new ones that I will share you two!!! How sweet of you to see it and think of me!!! BELIEVE!!!

Have a great, great night!
Mrs. Grewell

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Red Ribbon and Halloween Week!!!

Hi there! I hope that you are having a great weekend. All week long we waited for the bright sun for our science lab and wouldn't you know it...out pops the sun yesterday and today. I should have listened to Hanna when she said the class should take their labs home and do them this weekend. Silly me said, nah…it is going to be cloudy too. Shoot! Sorry Hanna, you were so correct. Now, we will hope for sun this week sometime!

I enjoyed seeing so many of you at the Halloween party on Friday night. Sorry if I missed some of you. We were not able to stay the entire time. How fun was it to fish, toilet toss, ring toss, bean bag throw, win a plate of cupcakes and play plinko! A big thank you to PTA for putting it on and to the many of you that brought in cupcakes!

The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing and doing things I love. It included having coffee with a new friend, watching the Arrowhead Broncos make the Rocky Bowl in their playoff game, and going to the pumpkin patch outside Laurel with my own kiddos! Perfect weekend!

The upcoming week is going to be a packed one. It is Red Ribbon Week along with Halloween on Friday. That will make for an out of routine week and many opportunities to get out of control. So, CALM will be the word of the week. :0)

We kicked off Red Ribbon Week on Friday with DEA Agent Dunlap. He did a great job sharing the story of Enrique Camarena and why we celebrate Red Ribbon Week. The kids were able to ask him a million and one questions about the week, his job, and Enrique. I loved it because it got them excited to learn more. And learn we will!!! I take this week very serious. I have kids of my own that are at the same age as these little ones. As a mom, I want to shelter them from the scary world outside. I don't want them to know that drug dealers are lurking around parks, schools, and homes. I want them to feel safe forever. However, I know that they are now old enough to pop that fantasy bubble. Kids this age are targets and it is important that they begin to build their tool belt with strategies to use when situations come up. Arrowhead area, especially Will James and West High areas, are not exempt from the drug, alcohol, and tobacco world. In fact, they are packed with them. That is not far off.  Everything we learn about this week will be age appropriate. It will not be to scare children, but will be taught to give them a sense of confidence and knowledge of what to do if and when they are ever confronted with the situation. They will especially learn to just say no and mean it. We will end the week by watching an episode of Little House on the Prairie where one of the characters gets hooked on drugs and his dad has to help him get back off. I have used it for years, and it is the perfect way to wrap up the week. A sheet in the Tuesday folder will explain it more and ask for your permission.

For Halloween, we are not allowed to have a classroom party. Drats! I remember the days when we wore our costumes to school and went down Trick or Treat Street!!! Those days however, are long gone. Kids may NOT wear their costumes to school on Friday. Please refrain from sending in treats. Halloween is my birthday so I will bring in birthday treats for the end of the day. This being said. we will end the day in a fun way. We will be shifting to our new Science unit: Matter. We will take a look at solid, liquid, and gas in a hands on way. We will be working with dry ice in some fun experiments that demonstrate all three of these states. Kids will go through Dry Ice Safety before it is even passed out. I have yet to have an accident in all the years I have done this. Kids that do not take the safety procedures seriously, even joke about them, will be removed immediately. Dry ice if fun, but it can be dangerous if not used correctly. Kids get this and we end up having a wonderful time learning!!! We will end the day with our treats and some "witches" brew. :0) Permission slips will be coming home in the Tuesday folders.

Other than that, we will have a perfectly normal week…

Math: multiplying large numbers

Lead 21: Predicting and summarizing

Language: Adjectives

Spelling: vowel sounds aw and au

Science: Finish weather. We will have Mr. Meier coming in on Tuesday to talk weather tools with us. We will then fill out a unit study guide and have the test on Thursday. We will begin states of matter on Friday.

SS-Continue our tour of the NE region. Here is a picture of the States and Capital's example quiz. I went over it completely with kids last week. As you can see, kids will need to know where each state is  (They have to put the state in the correct number below). Then, they have to match it to the correct capital city. There are word boxes, which then require correct spelling. Feel free to use this one as a practice. Please know that the numbers on the states will not be in the same order on the test I will give. Study, study, study. :0)

MT History- American Indians and Reservations found in MT

Fly Time-Red Ribbon Week: drugs, alcohol, and tobacco free kids!

Last week ended with Gabrielle being star of the week. She shared her fun bear that her brother won her, her dance shoes, her tennis ball (she is a tennis player) and many other fun things! What a joy she is to have in class and in our lives. Thanks for sharing with us Gabrielle.

I leave you with a fun picture! Have a fantastic weekend with your family!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Bullies and Blacktops…BAD news!

Hello there.

Homework tonight is three fold.

1. Kids brought home their graded Mountain Language Sheet. Tonight, they need to sit down with you and correct the ones they got wrong. Here is the board that they were working off of. They do this weekly so having a discussion with you is going to make the next ones easier and easier.  You MUST sign the top of the sheet when done. Thanks.

2. The state math sheet tonight is telling time.

3. Kids have papers from music class with Mrs. Waddell about the upcoming Veteran's Day concert. Please mark the date and make sure that your kiddo has the needed clothing required to perform in this concert. Kids have worked so hard to memorize these songs that proudly stand for the great country we call home and all those that protect it!

In Fly Time today, we talked about the death of the young (12 years old) lady at Riverside. She took her own life due to Bully issues happening at school. I would say that kids are too young to understand or even learn about this, but clearly I would be the fool to think that since it is two years away from these little ones, and only one year from my own daughter. Many kids wanted to know how she died from bullying. I shared with them that sometimes we get soooo sad that our body shuts down and no longer wants to be on Earth to feel the pain anymore. We did not go into the S "word" nor the definition. Having history of this in my very own family (my sister did this four years ago) I too am sensitive to talking about this topic. Therefore, I told them to ask you. I feel this is an issue for home and sensitivity from you the parent. What I wanted them to get out of it, was that in Fly Time I will give them tools to use when they are bullied or if they see someone else getting bullied. That way this never happens to them or someone they know. If you talk about this tonight, please write Bully in the planner for $50.

Thank you to over half of you that have donated to Arrowhead Elementary PTA donation drive. Wow! Thanks, thanks, thanks! Please remember to write in DONATED if you do so anytime this week for kids to earn the $100 reward.

Have a fantastic night! I sure hope Reece is feeling better tomorrow from his war with the blacktop. Ouch!!!! I despise that darn stuff. Kids are constantly falling on that! :0(

If you have a shoe box or two or three, please send in tomorrow for a science lab. Thanks.

Mrs. Grewell

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Always be available to your kids. Because if you say, 'Give me five minutes, give me ten minutes,' it'll be 15, it'll be 20. And then when you get there, the shine will have worn off whatever it is they wanted to share with you. Michael J. Fox

Hi there.

Wow, Tuesdays are by far our busiest days. No specialists make a long day for Mrs. Grewell. :0)

Tuesday folders came home today. They are jammed packed with information. There is a reminder and direction on bringing those cupcakes in on Friday. I have added Josh, Avery, Espen, and Emily's families to the cupcake donation list. Thank you!!! I think that means over half the class is donating. Wow!!! Grewell-4 rocks!

There are new book order forms in the folder as well. Please feel free to order online at anytime. You can also go old school and send in the form with a check written to scholastic book order. I will order it for you! Just a reminder that every book ordered gets the classroom a book as well. Yay!! I was able to get 15 new classroom books last time. Super Yay!!! Totally optional, but kids LOVE getting new books on their desks. :0)

There is also a note from the PTA president. She is reminding all of us to remember to make a donation for the donation drive. This is instead of all those fundraisers. This was voted on by families last year, and it won by many. So, now she is asking that we make good on this method. The recommended amount is $100 per family…more if you can, less if you can't. I can't agree with her more when I take a look around and see all the amazing things that happen (many behind the scenes) for kids in these four walls. Please consider sending in a donation this week or donate online at the Arrowhead website. You will receive a tax id letter so you can write it off. If donation totals are not met, sadly fun activities (like the Halloween party coming up this Friday) will be cut in the near future. Yikes! Being new to Arrowhead last year, one of the comments I kept making is how impressed I am when it comes to the generosity of the parents at this school. They really take care of their own. The best part of doing this fundraiser, is that 100% of it goes to Arrowhead. When cookie dough or Believe trinkets are sold, we only get a part of that money. Please, please consider donating today! If you have already donated, please write DONATED in the planner for $100. If you do it anytime this week, just write it in the planner and I will pay up! Thanks!!!

You will also find your Parent Teacher Conference Slip in the folder. Thank you to all of you that returned your request form. We tried very hard to honor your first choice. Those that did not return it, we added you in where we had open slots. Hopefully that works with your schedule. If you need to change, please text me or call the office. I look forward to talking with each and every one of you in a couple of weeks.

Flash cards came home last night for our NE region. I have also listed the states and capitals off to the side of this blog. Kids will see an example of the test on Thursday so they don't have any questions of my expectations. I will also post it on the blog so you know how to help them study. Bottom line: kids need to be able to match each state with the correct capital and they need to be able to locate each state on a blank map. They do NOT need to know how to spell them…unless that is an expectation you put on them. :0) Test will be early November. I will announce the date as we get closer but if I had to guess I would say the second week.

Homework tonight is another state trivia sheet. Instead of doing word to standard form however, they will discover the answers by subtracting using regrouping. I should see their work on their paper.

At fly time this week, we will be talking about Bully behavior. Today, we identified a bully to be someone that used their power to harm someone else over and over and over again. We talked about kid vs. kid, adult vs. adult, adult vs. kid, and even kid vs. adult. I asked them a very interesting question today. If a kid knows the rules in the classroom yet believes that the rule does not apply to them or that they are more powerful than the rule, then if they continue to break the rule over and over and over again does that make the child a bully by definition toward the teacher. Hmmmmm….if so, we have that issue in here a little bit. Interesting! We read a story called Enemy Pie. The dad ends up tricking the son into using a great strategy for winning over a potential bully. Have your kiddo explain the pie to you. If they can, write ENEMY PIE in the planner for $10 tomorrow. They should tell you that the pie was just a regular delicious pie and that the dad knew that the two boys would end up wanting to be friends after spending an entire day together. :0)

Well, that is our day in a nutshell. Thanks for all you do for your kiddos! I LOVE that YOU love them SOOOOO much! It sure does make my job easier. :0)

Monday, October 20, 2014

I LOVED hearing about everyone's long weekends today!!!

Hello there.

Ultrasound was awesome this morning before school. It turns out doctor was wrong with the due date. Baby Grewell is now due June 15th. Yay!!! I don't have to worry about missing school now. Whew! They are stuck with me all year long! All was well in baby land. I shared picture with the class. She/he is as big as a piece of rice (not a gummy bear yet). The heart was strong and beating quick! Fun, fun, fun!

A BIG thank you to Hanna and Josh. Hanna brought me back a pack of million dollar bills from the mint in Washington DC. Kidding!!! Turns out it was a notepad. Awesome! Thanks for thinking of me and tying our money system into your trip. I will have to find a special way to use those million dollar bills!

And, Josh knew that I just love chocolate. Baby and I will enjoy our LOVE m&ms from the M&M store in Vegas! I love that you looked for a BELIEVE one!!!! LOVE it!!! Thanks and yum!

While in Vegas, Josh went to a great display of Da Vinci inventions. Guess what he found…the hygrometer!!!! No way! How awesome is that since we just learned that a bit ago in science. He also ended up in a space tank. Oh my! Fun in the sun for him!!!

A BIG sorry to Gwen's family. I said that they were in thermopiles, when they were really in Yellowstone National Park. Sorry about that one. I read my text a little too quickly!

I also forgot to post the picture of Kyra's leaves on yesterday's blog. Shame on me! Here they are…beautiful!

Homework tonight is a math sheet. We started our NE states so this is a trivia page that when solved will give facts about one of the 11 states found in this region! Awesome learning!

Book report books need to be finished by next Monday. We will start the book report then.

A BIG thank you to Laney, Gabrielle, Kyra, Hanna, AJ, Noah L, Espen, Landon, and Reece's families for agreeing to bring a dozen cupcakes on Friday for the Halloween party. Please drop them off at the office before 6 pm on Friday night. Thanks!!

I think that about sums it up for the great day of Monday! Have a wonderful evening!
Mrs. Grewell

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Cupcakes Needed This Friday! :0)

Howdy Folks!

It feels like ages ago that I last blogged to you. Please make sure you read the blog above this one if you missed it last week. You can also write in the code word if you missed it! :0) I LOVE that over half the class checks the blog even though chances were high that I would not blog. So awesome!!! Thank you for being so dedicated!

Last Friday (Wednesday) we had a wonderful time joining up with MCC for their Make a Difference Project. The kids LOVED painting the boards with black chalkboard paint. They worked together and the worked carefully. I was very proud of all of them. Some went home with a  little paint, but over all they were careful, careful. Thanks for the paint clothes! Here is what the project will look like when they hang it downtown. Ours won't say Before I Die. It will say I can make a difference in Billings by…I will make sure to let you know when it is up and ready. It will be hung next weekend. The contact person at MCC for this project is Erin. (Hint, hint to anyone that might want to capture this moment in time for Billings and put it on the news. :0)).

Erin started the project out in the classroom by making a classroom sized poster similar to the one that will be hung downtown. Each kiddo came up and added to the list on what they wanted a neighborhood to be like. They also made name tags, but instead of writing their names, they wrote words of how they can make a difference. Fun!

Then, we finally went outside to paint! Well done 4th graders!!!

This weekend, I was surprised with a couple of very fun pictures. Gwen was in Thermopolis, Wyoming. It looks as if she needs to jump in those hot pools!!! Brrrrr! According to mom, she had a great time learning all about the area and what it entails! Awesome!!!

Hanna and family went to Washington, DC. She sent these pictures of her by the Washington Monument and at Arlington Cemetery where she watched the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. We will be learning about this VERY soon!!!! This brought me back to my Florida teaching days where we took our 5th graders on a field trip to DC on a train and stayed for a week. Awesome fun!!! Thanks for bringing me back to some fun memories Hanna! I hope you had a BLAST!

Thanks to both kiddos for sharing with me. I LOVE being a part of your world!

We welcomed back Kyra from her family trip to Pennsylvania. It was great to have her back in the classroom. We missed her! A HUGE thank you to her for bringing me back some beautiful fall pressed leaves that she found there. Look at those colors! I loved the picture she sent with her in the fall background. I love that she brought me back a piece of it. Definitely a gift from the heart…just like Bradley says in our book! :0)

This week begins our box top collection contest. Will it be the cats or the GRIZ????? Bring those box tops in, starting tomorrow, and put them in the bag of your choice! May the best team (GRIZ) win! :0)

This coming Friday, we will kick off the beginning of Red Ribbon Week. Although, the actual week starts the following week, I like to have my first guest speaker come before it starts. He is a DEA agent and goes undercover often in the drug world. Every year, I have him come in and tell the story behind Red Ribbon Week. He talks about DEA Agent Kiki Camarena and how he gave his life to help make the USA a safe place to live, especially for kids. His life ending is tragic, but it will be shared in an age appropriate way. We will do many activities for this week. Watch for permission slips coming home soon. I am a big believer that 4th graders are ready for the truth, but only in a way that is age appropriate. All of our guest speakers will know that coming in. In the past, it has been an awesome week during fly time!!!! There will also be dress up days to show school unity in this fight against drugs. Those will be posted soon! :0)

Academically this week…

Math: Finish algebra by looking into equations and solving across an equals sign by using the reciprocal of the given operation. Wow!

Lead 21: New unit! Going green. Students will read about how to help keep the Earth safe. We will work on predicting, literal questions, inferential questions, and determining importance of information all throughout the unit. Kids will also be responsible for a new inquiry project. This one will be full of action! Kids will need to do something that will make a difference in their community or school. Fun!

Language: Plural nouns

Spelling: long and short oo sounds. Congratulations to Landon, Noah B, Noah L, Reece, Krissy, Claire, Avery, AJ, Espen, Dominic, Adler, Gabrielle, Josh, Carl, Gwen, Cayden, and Kyra for making alternate club this week!

S.S.: Northeast Region

MT History: Major Cities and a scavenger hunt

Science: Weather fronts

Mark those calendars: THIS Friday is the PTA Halloween Party at Arrowhead. Get those costumes out and ready. I can't wait to see you there. Remember, they are in need of cupcakes! One dozen is all they need from you! So, I can let them know who they can count on, please write YES if you are planning on donating a dozen fun Halloween themed cupcakes or NO if you can't help out this time in the planner for $10 tomorrow. Thanks!!!

I am excited to leave you today with a HUGE , HUGE shout out to Carl's dad, Doug!!!! His company, Treasure State Engineering, donated the needed funds to buy the rest of the books Mrs. Gleason and I needed for our Fly Time Meetings!!!! We are doing the biggest happy dance right now! Thank you so very much Mr. Strand! You and your business just made a difference in the lives of kids for years to come! Thank You!!!!!

Have a wonderful Sunday!
Mrs. Grewell