Sunday, February 22, 2015

Seems you can't outsmart Mother Nature. Mark Hyman

Happy Sunday. I will not be going to Bozeman today. Therefore, there will not be a sub on Monday and Tuesday. The weather on Saturday and future forecast for Bozeman decided that one. Darn Mother Nature!

It is a full week. Academically...

Math: We will start geometry later this week. We will spend tomorrow testing out of fractions. We will continue to review those concepts all week as well.

Reading/Lead 21: We will continue to review all our reading skills learned thus far during our daily rotations time. Kids are working on independent task folders to show master of each skill. If you look on the online grade book, you will see all 16 skills listed. As kids finish them up, I will put them in the grade book.

In our small leveled groups, we will continue to work on making predictions and connections. We will also begin to write a thesis essay about the astronomers we are reading about and all their contributions to science today.

Language: Linking vs helping vs action verbs.

Spelling: Suffixes. Last week we worked on prefixes. Now, we will look toward the back of the word. We will work on -ful, -less, -ness, and -ment words. Most kids are eligible for the alternate list this week. As always, they have the choice to take the challenge or stick with the book.

Social Studies: We will finish up with the Midwest tour. Kids will have a project that will be part of their homework this week and will be due on Friday. More on that to come. I was very, very proud of the kids and their knowledge of the states and capitals found in the Midwest. It is really starting to make sense to kids as to why it is important to know where the states are, especially when they are reading their Scholastic News.

Science: We will discover what speed and stored energy have to do with collisions by pressing on with our Project Lead the Way studies.

Kids have one week left to finish up their Bridge to Terabithia novel. We will begin our book reports the following week. Write what chapter your kiddo is on in the planner for $10 tomorrow.

I am hoping that everyone is back healthy and happy. Morgan...I can't wait to hear all about your vacation! Krissy and Noah B I hope you are both feeling much, much better! The flu and cough seems to be traveling around our room. Hopefully it is done now. :0)

It will be a full and great week of learning! Have a great week!
Mrs. Grewell

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