Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Good News is sooooo Much Better Than No News! :0)

Hi folks!

Good news from the doctor. All is taken care of, and I am on the mend. Thanks for your texts and sweet notes! It's good to be so loved. I have to share a fun story here. This morning when AJ walked in he said, Hey...I thought you were gone today. I said...later this morning AJ. He said, are you coming back. I you want me to? He said...YES! I don't like it when you are gone Mrs. Grewell. it! Thanks for filling my bucket AJ!

Yesterday, in the Tuesday Folder, I sent home the Billings Clinic Expo applications for the science fair. You only got one if you responded that your child was going to do this. I need those back ASAP. I highlighted the areas that I needed you to fill out (front and back). Your child also has to sign it. So...Noah B, Josh, Kyra, Gwen, Espen, and Landon please fill those out tonight and return them tomorrow so I can submit them for you. Hanna and Laney, I got yours back today. Thanks! Gwen...I found yours in your folder, but it was not filled out. I will send it home again tomorrow.

Homework tonight is the same as last night, Drops in the Bucket #3. States and Capital's test is this Friday. Gwen and ready tomorrow. :0)

It was great to have Noah L. back today. He spent the break in Florida with Mickey Mouse. He had a great time at Disneyworld with his family. Upon his return, he said that it was COLD here! Welcome back to Montana Noah! We missed you buddy!

We are still missing our friends Morgan, Gabrielle, and Krissy. We hope you return soon as well. :0)

Today in science we did another lab with Project Lead the Way. This time, kids had to adjust the height of the ramp and then run their car down it three times, find the average speed, and then use that data to predict outcomes for the next height. They sure had fun being accurate scientists! Ask them what they noticed about the distance when the height increased. They should tell you that the higher it was, the faster it went. If they do, write PLTW in the planner for $10 tomorrow.

Have an outstanding night!
Mrs. Grewell

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