Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Books Are a Kids Best Friend, Even If They Disagree With Me! :0)

Howdy Parents!

What a busy, busy day! We spent the day wrapping up lessons along with starting brand new ones. I felt like I didn't know if I was coming or going all day long. :0) Ever feel that way???

The wind at recess was CRAZY!!! Mrs. Jeziorski and I felt as if we were in a hurricane! We were awfully glad we had our hats and warm winter recess jackets. It was hard to watch those kiddos in shorts and t-shirts shivering outside. Please continue to keep warm clothing in the backpacks. Thanks!

In math we left the fraction world and dove right into geometry. We did this in a pretty fun way...Geometry Shout Outs. Ask your kiddos to show you the hand movements for the following terms. Just say the term...they will do the rest! Don't stand too close...especially when you say point!!! :0) Say...point, line, line segment, ray, parallel lines, intersecting lines, and perpendicular lines. I have found that when they do some hand motions with these, they are more able to find them in a picture or diagram. If your kiddos can show you them write GEOMETRY in the planner for $10 tomorrow.

I sent in the science fair applications for the Billings Clinic Expo today. So...if you helped me fill one out, they are now registered!

Homework tonight is for Wednesday AND Friday...which means they need to take their time! We finished up our tour of the Midwest region. We ended today in Minnesota at the Mall of America. Tonight and tomorrow night, kids need to create their own Mall of America's. In class, they wrote down their 5 favorite stores, 4 favorite places to eat, and 2 favorite fair rides. Those now need to be put on their mall layouts. The fair rides need to be in the middle area. The food and stores go on the outside wherever they want.  All of these places need to be real places and spelled correctly (they may ask you or use an electronic to help them find out). They also need to use correct capitalization on store titles. They may do whatever they want with this one. There will be one square left over. Kids may do whatever they want with this one. They can even make up their own store, have a swimming pool, haircut place, doggie daycare, whatever! Just on this ONE store though. Malls need to be colored and show 4th grade effort. Kids may print things off the internet and glue it in or they may free draw it or do a combination of both. Malls are due on Friday morning. We will share them and then they will be displayed in the hallway for a bit. Kids MUST HAVE FUN with this project. :0)

In science, we did a small practice test to help us review concepts before our MONTCas Science test next week. Only 4th graders take this. We will review again this week. They have this stuff! :0) is logical!

We got to attend the honor band concert this morning. They played great. These kiddos will have a choice next year as to what they want to do music wise. They can join the band, the orchestra, or stay in general music (choir). They got to hear all the different instruments today. There is a sheet coming home in the Tuesday folder next week about a "musical petting zoo" where kids can go and try out all the different instruments to help them decide. Once they pick, they have to stay with it for the remainder of the year and promise to practice daily. My Emma plays the saxophone in her band class. She also plays the violin. Before her 5th grade year, she took the orchestra class offered in the summer (AMAZING and CHEAP!) at the Lincoln center. She learned a ton and was very well prepared for band before she walked in the door. I HIGHLY recommend this! Now, she takes violin lesson privately and plays the sax at school. Music is a huge part of her life, and BPS does a ton to help keep that passion alive in kids! Watch for notices coming home toward the end of the year. BPS also rents instruments very cheaply if kids need one and they have it available. Fun! They may join the honor band in the 6th grade.

I think that about says it all for today. A HUGE thank you to those of you that have already ordered books online. The more you order, the more I order! Fly Time depends on character books that I buy with your help! So, thank you and keep them coming! Every dollar helps! Plus kids LOVE getting those books on their desks on delivery day!

Have a wonderful night!
Mrs. Grewell

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