Sunday, November 2, 2014

Quarter 2 Begins!

Hello! I hope your weekend was wonderful! Congratulations to the Arrowhead Broncos for winning the Rocky Bowl! I heard it was a great game!!!! Way to go Noah B! I also hope all of you had a fun and safe Halloween. We had a great time trick or treating around town and a great birthday weekend.

Last week was a busy week! It was packed with so much learning from beginning to end. This week will be no different.

Fly Time: Back to bullying. We will pick up where we left off before Red Ribbon Week. One lesson will be to determine what it is that bully's look for. We will do some role playing to show these targets like head down, walking like a victim, and poor eye contact. Instead, kids will want to walk tall and confident and look a bully right in the eyes when saying stop. We will also take a look at what reasons bullies bully.

Math: Two digit by two digit multiplication, and possibly start long division.

Language: Finish Adjectives and Formal Letter Writing

Spelling: vowel + r sound, analogies, verbs with en suffix, and homographs

Lead 21: Summary Writing and questioning

S.S.: Characteristics of the North East Region

MT History: Indian Reservations and flags.

Science: States of Matter, Physical and Chemical reactions

We started our Science unit on Friday. Kids saw the interaction of how a solid goes straight to a gas bypassing the liquid state all together. This is called sublimation. We saw and heard it with our dry ice experiments. Our regular ice cube melted into a puddle on a paper plate. Our dry ice was just gone, without a trace left behind. We also got to hear the actual vibrations that the quick escaping particles made when sublimating. Wow!!! Finally, when we trapped the gas in a bubble, we saw that when it popped it didn't leave a liquid mess. It simply turned to smoke and went away. Cool!

This week, we will talk about how caramel can be melted, but then put back into its block form. However, what happens if we burn it? Are we able to get it back to caramel then??? This will lead us into the comparison of physical and chemical reactions and properties.

Kids will not have a book report this month due to the short week due to conferences and Thanksgiving. We will begin the December one after Thanksgiving break so we can finish it before we go on break for Christmas.

Conferences are this week starting on Tuesday. Kids will have half days on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday getting out at noon each day. Please try to be on time as many conferences are back to back and we only have 15 minutes to chat. I do have things to share, but I will start with asking you if you have any questions or concerns you want to discuss. I try very hard to communicate often to avoid any surprises at conference time, but they do come up. Pleaser feel free to ask/tell me anything. Working together is the only way that your child will reach their true potential. :0) Report cards will be in the Tuesday folders.

Quarter 2 begins on Monday. With that, we start over on the money system. Kids spent all of their hard earned cash on Friday on movie treats and reward coupons. Yay!!! With quarter 2, also comes higher expectations. The standard fine has moved up from $20 to $50 now. Kids all know what 4th grade is like and what behaviors are acceptable by now. Therefore, the price of breaking them has now gone up. All kids have $200 in their new wallet on their desk. Fresh quarter, fresh start. :0)

I want to thank all of you for making my birthday so special. The witch is so fun! The kids said it looks just like me. :0) A BIG thank you to Emily's mom for organizing the big surprise!!! I also want to thank   Reece, Gwen, Espen, Josh, Dominic, David, Noah L. and Landon's families for the gifts as well. How very thoughtful they all were. Boy am I spoiled or what! Honestly, I was extremely touched by your kindness. Thanks for filling my bucket!

I leave you with some fun pictures of our last day of Red Ribbon Week. So many kiddos TEAMED up against drugs. The movie was a big success, and afterward we discussed it at length. The kids came up with 10 people that Albert's one choice effected. 10! Wow!!! Please ask your kiddo if they have any other questions about staying drug free. If you do, write DRUG FREE in the planner for $20 tomorrow. All kids signed a Just Say No pledge and practiced saying NO like they mean it. Awesome! Now…let's just hope they remember all they learned when the time comes.

Have a fantastic Sunday!
Mrs. Grewell

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