Hello there.
Today was a good day! I say that with the heaviest of hearts, but it was a good day. I swear kids have magical healing powers. Just listening to them laugh and learn heals my soul. Amazing. Thank you so much for the gift of them. And…how sweet and fitting is this picture. Claire came up to me and said…Mrs. Grewell, look what I found. I asked her if she made it into the heart shape and she said no she found it like that. Is that not an amazing sign of love or what? Boy, I needed that one. See…if I had stayed home, I would have missed that joy! :0)
Homework tonight is a little tough. It was meant to be bonus, but so many kids wanted it I just made it regular homework. Help if fine, and if it is way, way too much, just write me a note that you tried. No stress!
Tuesday folders came home today. New book order forms are in there. Order if you want, totally optional. There is a note about Barnes and Noble night from PTA, and a picture of Dad at Donuts if I caught them in action. One for the office or the fridge dads!
We started our inquiry Lead 21 projects today. Kids chose a project (how can they make Arrowhead more green) and then researched online and by doing some staff interviews on why we need to do this. They will eventually write a persuasive letter to Mrs. Meier trying to get her to actually put some ideas into action. I have had principals buy into ideas in the past. One idea…could change the world!!!
In SS we talked about the Erie Canal in NY and how it saves money. Ask your kiddo how many locks are on the Erie canal and what is a locke? If they can tell you write the number they said in the planner for $10 tomorrow. When telling you what a locke is they should explain it is a port that fills up or down with water in order to pass through the man made trench due to Appalachian mountains making the depth of the canal different heights. We watched a video on it today. One kiddo, said "That is the coolest video I have ever watched!" Future engineer there!!!! Awesome. The NE region is soooo cool!
In science today, we listed examples of different solids, liquids, and gases. We also determined the kind of shape, mass, and volume each type had. Lastly, we learned about how states of matter change from one to another using boiling, melting, evaporation, and freezing and at what temperatures these things happen. Ask your kiddo what temperature water freezes at? Boils at? Write what they say for both in the planner for another $10 each tomorrow. That is THREE code words tomorrow. Big bucks! Kids finished off the lesson by completing a crossword puzzle with a partner reviewing all the key concepts we have learned thus far.
I think that about wraps up the day. Gwen…we sure hope you are feeling better soon little lady! Class just isn't the same without you!!!
Mrs. Grewell
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