Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Believe that the universe is friendly and life is on your side.

Well hello there.

What a wonderful way to start off the day. I got to visit with Kyra and AJ's mom and dads. I just love when I get to sit down and just talk kids! I enjoyed working together to come up with a plan to correct the minor things and a way to help kiddos reach their personal potential level. I look forward to tomorrow's conferences as well. Remember, it is a half day tomorrow due to this. (Noon Dismissal)

Tomorrow's Conferences are…
7:45 a.m.- Gwen
12:30 pm- Reece
12:45- Espen
2:45-Noah B
3:30-Lauren Mom
Again, please be on time and ready to talk about anything. :0)

In Language Arts today, we did a lot of language. We worked on parts of speech using our spelling sentences. We went through and identified if each spelling word was a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb and why. Using the actual words around it help us figure out what the word is doing in the sentence, which then leads us to the exact part of speech we are dealing with. We also did a sentence edit. We looked for capital errors, possessive nouns, and spelling mistakes. We also identified the tense of the sentence by looking at the verb. Lastly, we wrote our formal thank you letter to Mr. Merical. Kids used all the parts of the letter to create their own. (Heading, Greeting, Body, Closing, Signature)

In Lead 21, we read about four types of alternative energy sources. Soybeans….algae…wind….solar…say what! Pretty cool. Kids have been reading fictional stories dealing with these as well, so I had each group share what their story had to say about the subject to the rest of the class members.

Spelling words need to be studied. We will have the test like normal on Friday morning.

In math we used the lattice method to solve a two digit by two digit multiplication problem. Not in a million years did we learn this method when we were growing up. Fascinating! Have kids share it with you by doing the problem 34 x 56. They are amazed when you do the standard way and get the same answer! Kids, at times, are asked to show how to solve a problem in more than one way. Now, they know this method along with place value break apart and repeated addition. Cool! If they do show you, write SAY WHAT in the planner for $10 tomorrow.

After having some fun playing a math game with our 2nd grade buddies, we headed to the computer lab to take the SRI for the second time this year. I will share the results with you at our conferences. If I have already met with you, I will text you. This test shows kids reading level and vocabulary level. Kids are given a passage, and they have to use that passage to figure out what a word means or to pick the best word to fit in the blank. Students should be at least at a 600 in order to be on grade level. Grade level goes all the way to 800 (which is where they should be when they exit 4th grade). This test helps me to make sure I am placing them in the correct reading level for small groups as well so I can meet their needs by working on these strategies.

Homework tonight is a Dear Mrs. Grewell note. I call these RLJs. (Reflective Learning Journals). Kids need to write a HALF page note to me about anything that is going on related to school. It can be about friends, certain subjects, problems, things they like, things they dislike, and so on. I learn a ton about kids this way. Remember to also add studying states and capitals in the Northeast Region to the daily homework tasks.

Next week, I will start challenge homework. Kids may take it if they want. It is usually a logic puzzle of some sort that requires some extra thinking. It is not recorded in the grade book, but it is discussed daily. It is always optional and in addition to the regular homework assigned.

Tomorrow is United We Stand, United We Send day! Please help kids remember their $1 donation and small ziploc bag of Halloween candy to eat at snack time tomorrow. All money will be donated to Riverside Jazz Band!

I think that about covers it. Have a fantastic night!
Mrs. Grewell

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