Sunday, November 30, 2014

“Every piece of the universe, even the tiniest little snow crystal, matters somehow. I have a place in the pattern, and so do you. - T.A. Barron

Well hello there! Long time, no blog. I hope your Thanksgiving break was full of yummy food and family memories! Mine was full to the brim with both along with a lot of rest and relaxation.

A BIG thank you to Gwen and family for sending in some holiday pictures to share. I LOVE that you did the Turkey Trot as a family! I have done that a couple of times and found it to be the best way to start Thanksgiving day. A great time to just reflect and be grateful! Awesome memories!!! You must have followed that up with trimming the tree. It is beautiful and it looks like you are having a blast! Thanks again for sharing!

With only a few weeks before our winter break, we will be in full swing this week. Hopefully all students will be back. Just a gentle reminder that I don't do make up/absent work. I have had a few people ask me to get work together for their kids when absent. My plans change daily according to what the class is doing and how they are doing it. Sometimes it takes longer and sometimes it goes faster than planned.  I will do my best to get kids caught up when they return. There are a million home-school sites with tons of printable sheets that you could print practice sheets off of for airplane and car rides. I recommend long division, triple by double multiplication, and any story with questions, especially nonfiction.

Before we left, I gave kids an extra library time in order to check out their December book report books. I know there were a few that had a book at home already picked out and there were a couple that did not use that time very wisely and have yet to select a book. We will do the report the week before we leave for break. That gives kids about two more weeks to read it. We don't have library until Friday. If your child is one that still needs one, I recommend they come in early before school or find one during recess time. I would not wait until Friday. The format for this report will be totally different then the two we have done before.

Academically this week…

Math: Area and starting to convert measurements.

Lead 21: Final drafts of persuasive letters for our school going green. Students will meet with other students that wrote about the same topic and compile a combined final draft using the awesome points from each letter. We will also do some other writing using an essay format and one using our winter imaginations!

Language: finish up irregular plurals.

Spelling: Words ending in ed and ing. Students will drop final e and/or double a final consonant.

Science: We will begin our Project Lead the Way unit on energy. We will organize our kits this week. I did all the prep work this weekend. I am SUPER excited to get going on this one. There are SO many hands on activities where kids get to build things and solve problems. This is similar to the science behind the robotics class offered at Arrowhead. We will build future engineers but the time we are done. I can't wait to see all of them light up when what they build really works.

S.S. We will begin our second region. The states and capitals test will be the week before break. We will make our flashcards this week for home and school.

MT History: State symbols.

Fly Time: Being positive. This will include lessons on helping others speak up and feel safe in a group setting, encouraging others to dream big (including ourselves), and being loyal and a positive leader in our friendship groups. We will also discuss another bully byte. We will talk about what behaviors victims have that make them targets for bullying. This is the "other" side of the bully coin. There are certain things kids at this age target each other about. It is mean, but it is reality. We will discuss what those are and how to handle being unique and strong.

I leave you with some pictures of our home being decked out for Christmas. The kids and I watched Home Alone while bringing out the decorations. I LOVE that movie! Now, we just need our tree! Tis the season to send in some of your pictures too. :0)

Have a great Sunday!
Mrs. Grewell

Monday, November 24, 2014

The more you thank life, the more life gives you to be thankful for!

Hi there.

With only three kiddos out we had a great and busy day.

We spent the morning discovering what the first Thanksgiving was really all about. I asked the kids what they thought was eaten on that fateful day. Many of them said turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, rolls, and cranberries. They were astounded when I said that the only one that was correct was green beans. Potatoes were not in America at this time, they had wild turkey (which trust me is NOTHING like domestic turkey), cranberries were too tart to eat, and there were no rolls made at this time (probably more like a corn bread). Next, I asked them to tell me who was at this feast. They answered pilgrims and indians. Actually, there was Puritans. The name pilgrim was given by a story teller years later and stuck. There were no silver buckles at this time like we picture. Also, puritans only wear black and white on Sunday. Since it was a Thursday, they were more likely wearing blue and green. The native side was correct. However they did not wear feather headdresses like the kids pictured. They are a NE regional tribe. They did not dress like the Plains Indians we are used to studying. They also did not live in tipis. This was not a day of thanks at this time. The Indians and Puritans got along but were not friends. Many tribes died out due to Smallpox which was brought over with the Europeans. This disease often wiped out entire Indian populations. It was more than likely a very tense dinner. So many of us have been taught myths and even dressed up in the wrong costumes in our early school days. I remember making Indian headbands with feathers and acting out a peaceful feast with all the wrong foods. I felt is was important to burst your kiddos fictional bubble so they now know the factual truths. :0) Ask your child which Indian tribe the Puritans ate with. If they can tell you write the name of it in the planner for $10.

Homework tonight is a reading comprehension sheet on the Turkey vs. Bald Eagle debate as the US National Symbol. Kids need to read it again, (we read it in class together), complete the questions on the back, and then complete the fact and opinion activity. I love the last question: If the Turkey was the National Symbol, would we still eat it on Thanksgiving? Yikes…scary thought!

In language class, we have been learning how to write letters (personal and business). Tomorrow, kids will practice addressing envelopes. Therefore, they need to know their address (or addresses if they have split homes). Please write them in the planner for them. Don't forget the zip code. We talked about how this area has more than one zip code. Again, if students have two homes due to divorce, please write BOTH addresses in the planner for them. Thanks!

St. Johns has invited all of you to their Christmas Lighting event. Please attend if you can. Thanks.

Tomorrow is a half day. Kids are dismissed at noon. Please send kids in the morning as we have a lot to do before we leave for the break. Thanks!

There is no school Wed-Fri. We return to school the following Monday.

Pumpkin Pie and whip cream will be served for snack tomorrow after we learn the history of it.

Have a fantastic night. I won't blog again until Sunday.
Mrs. Grewell

Sunday, November 23, 2014

I BELIEVE I am thankful for YOU!

Happy Thanksgiving Week! I am hoping you are as thankful as I am. My life is so blessed and I have so much to be thankful for. I have two amazing children, a husband that treats me like a princess, a career that I absolutely love, and friends that are beyond words. Life is good. It seems that whenever I feel myself doubting if life is good, all I have to do is take an hour and do some people watching in a busy place. I then realize just how very blessed I am.

We will take some time this week and discover some secrets of the holiday Thanksgiving. We will look into some presidents that have pardoned some turkeys and we will look further into why one president wanted to make the turkey the national bird instead of the Bald Eagle. Say what!!! We will also take a look at some misconceptions about the first Thanksgiving between some colonists and Native Americans. It is not at all about the Pilgrims and feathered Indians. So, what really happened back then?

There will be no spelling this week.

We have school all day Monday and a half day on Tuesday. Pick up on Tuesday is noon.

We will have pumpkin pie for snack on Tuesday. My treat!

I am hoping that Mr. Noah L. is having a wonderful birthday weekend. We sure enjoyed his yummy donuts on Friday! Happy Birthday Buddy!

I am hoping that Lauren is back in class this week and feeling better. We have missed her!

I am sending well wishes to all those that are traveling for the holiday. Be safe and we will see you the next Monday.

A very special thank you for Avery's family for the fun treat left on my desk after dismissal on Friday. You filled my bucket and made me smile. :0)

I am loving all the texts and emails with the license plate pictures. As they come in, I add them to our class map and update the blog list. As you can see, we only have a few left. I record them first come first pay. Please check the list before you send some so we don't have duplicates. Thanks and keep them coming! Awesome project for all!

Don't forget to send in some holiday decoration pictures to share on the blog. Baking cookies, trimming the tree, wrapping presents, or making a snowman. Whatever, let's share them. Fun!

I leave you with the knowledge that your kiddos will be eating some homemade cupcakes made by our very own Mrs. Gleason thanks to the mighty GRIZ winning the game on Saturday. I wish it would have been a better game. I don't really like games that are like that. I felt horrible for the QB on the Cats team. I wanted to drive over there and do a Fly Time meeting with him during half time about BELIEVING!!! Talk about a no good, very bad day! urg. Nonetheless, we will enjoy our reward, after all a bet is a bet. :0)

Have a wonderful week. I will blog Monday, and then not until the following Sunday.

Mrs. Grewell

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ready, Aim, Take Picture, Text, Win $50!!!!

What a fun day in the 4th grade.

Tomorrow is cat/GRIZ day. Wear your favorite team's attire tomorrow. Show your spirit and earn $50.

We did a MT History lesson today on counties. We learned that the students live in Yellowstone County which is number 3. That is why we see the 3 on our their license plates. I live in a different county than them. Ask them what number my county is. If they can tell you, write it in the planner for $10.

I have put out a challenge to all students to keep their eyes on the road. We have a large map of MT in our room broke up in the 56 counties. Kids will try to fill in all 56 counties by finding them on the road and taking a picture of the license plate. Then, they need to have you text it to me, email it to me, or print it out and bring it in. If they are the FIRST one to get it to me, they will earn $50. I will only reward one kid per county. If you see them, you can also play on their behalf if they are not with you. :0) The goal is to just get all 56 by the end of the year! Ready, set, hunt!!!! (Remember, no photographing while driving!) We also talked about parking lots are a great place to find different counties. This is only for Montana. No other states will be taken. Have fun!

Speaking of taking pictures. As you begin to decorate your homes for the holidays, please take pictures of kids in action helping decorate the tree, making fun decorations, or baking fun holiday stuff. Then send them to me to put on the blog. I love to share all of these fun memories.

Homework tonight is for kids to design their own MT license plate. They can either use numbers (7 max) or make a word out of 7 letters or less to describe them or their life. I gave them the example of how I wish my license plate said BELIEVE. Unfortunately, it was all ready taken. Drats!!! There is more than one of me out there! If they choose a numbered plate, they need to start it with the correct county they live in (3). All plates must be colored and any designs are up to them. The sky is the limit! Kids also need to write one bucket slip. They know who they are writing to.

We continued our NE tour by traveling on our virtual train to Hershey, Pennsylvania. We made a stop at the Hershey chocolate factory. Kids each got a Hershey Kiss to enjoy as we watched a virtual tour. What a great place to take a vacation this summer! Fun, fun, and yum!

In math, we master tested out in rounding. We also reviewed reading and writing decimal numbers up to the hundredths place value. I noticed a lot of them struggled with this on their morning work the other day. A quick review proved helpful as they did great on their short quiz! Tomorrow…area!

In Fly Time, we tallied the votes. The kids were most thankful for Pumpkin Pie and the adults were most thankful for the same thing! Remind me not to forget the Pumpkin Pie!!! :0) I will have to bring one in next week for a snack. I love that kids love this!!! For me personally, it is my mom's stuffing! Even when we are invited somewhere else, I always make a batch and take it with me. It just isn't Thanksgiving without it!

Spelling tests tomorrow, along with Library.

I am planning on sharing the "bad news" with kids tomorrow at Fly Time. If you want to prep them before hand, please do. It will be a difficult discussion, but one that will be grade appropriate and quick and to the point. I want to do this as a class tomorrow so kids have the weekend to process and discuss it with you. That way we can all start fresh on Monday. I will not make a big drawn out tear fest out of it. Quick and done. Again, I apologize for making this uncomfortable for you and for them. There is a part of me that regrets sharing with anyone, but there is a larger part of me that realizes if I hadn't I would have missed out celebrating a small part of their life with some pretty super kids and parents! So instead of regret…I chose the word treasured.

Have a great, great night.
Mrs. Grewell

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

BELIEVE that friendship is an honor and privilege.

Hi there. Another great and busy day.

We started the day by reading a story called, The Night Before Thanksgiving. It was a spin off of Twas the Night Before Christmas. What a fun story. Thanks to all those that ordered books online, as it got that one for free for the classroom. Yes! Then we polled the audience and decided what our favorite Thanksgiving food we were thankful for the most. Now, it is your turn to add data to our tally chart. Pick ONE and write it in the planner for $10 tomorrow. What food are you most thankful for? (Turkey, Stuffing, Pumpkin Pie, Corn, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Rolls/Bread, or Cranberries). Remember…only pick ONE! Thanks.

We ended the day with an assembly from the amazing dance company Ririe-Woodbury. Amazing!

In between was full of subject/predicate practice, finding examples of cause and effect in the text, writing lists of words that deal with our spelling word toothbrush, finding perimeter of large number shapes, learning about the skeletal system in health, and doing a pretty fun dance in music class. I told you we were busy today!

Homework tonight is a science paper. Kids need to look at the picture on the page and determine at least one solid, liquid, and gas. They can list more if they want.

Bonus homework is long division. There are 5 digits in the dividend. 4th grade only requires 3. Wow!!! Don't get lost in the system!!! :0) This is optional.

Have a wonderful night!
Mrs. Grewell

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

BELIEVE you might be the light for someone else! Wow!

Hello there.

Today was a good day! I say that with the heaviest of hearts, but it was a good day. I swear kids have magical healing powers. Just listening to them laugh and learn heals my soul. Amazing. Thank you so much for the gift of them. And…how sweet and fitting is this picture. Claire came up to me and said…Mrs. Grewell, look what I found. I asked her if she made it into the heart shape and she said no she found it like that. Is that not an amazing sign of love or what? Boy, I needed that one. See…if I had stayed home, I would have missed that joy! :0)

Homework tonight is a little tough. It was meant to be bonus, but so many kids wanted it I just made it regular homework. Help if fine, and if it is way, way too much, just write me a note that you tried. No stress!

Tuesday folders came home today. New book order forms are in there. Order if you want, totally optional. There is a note about Barnes and Noble night from PTA, and a picture of Dad at Donuts if I caught them in action. One for the office or the fridge dads!

We started our inquiry Lead 21 projects today. Kids chose a project (how can they make Arrowhead more green) and then researched online and by doing some staff interviews on why we need to do this. They will eventually write a persuasive letter to Mrs. Meier trying to get her to actually put some ideas into action. I have had principals buy into ideas in the past. One idea…could change the world!!!

In SS we talked about the Erie Canal in NY and how it saves money. Ask your kiddo how many locks are on the Erie canal and what is a locke? If they can tell you write the number they said in the planner for $10 tomorrow. When telling you what a locke is they should explain it is a port that fills up or down with water in order to pass through the man made trench due to Appalachian mountains making the depth of the canal different heights. We watched a video on it today. One kiddo, said "That is the coolest video I have ever watched!" Future engineer there!!!! Awesome. The NE region is soooo cool!

In science today, we listed examples of different solids, liquids, and gases. We also determined the kind of shape, mass, and volume each type had. Lastly, we learned about how states of matter change from one to another using boiling, melting, evaporation, and freezing and at what temperatures these things happen. Ask your kiddo what temperature water freezes at? Boils at? Write what they say for both in the planner for another $10 each tomorrow. That is THREE code words tomorrow. Big bucks! Kids finished off the lesson by completing a crossword puzzle with a partner reviewing all the key concepts we have learned thus far.

I think that about wraps up the day. Gwen…we sure hope you are feeling better soon little lady! Class just isn't the same without you!!!

Mrs. Grewell

Monday, November 17, 2014

BELIEVE in giving back. To enjoy the journey is to leap into people's lives. Janie Jasin

Hi. I have a dr. appt right after school so I will make this quick.

Homework tonight is a Montana History worksheet. Students brought home their notebooks. This is rare, so please take a look at it. If you sit next to your kiddo and allow them to share their MT notebook pages, write NOTEBOOK in the planner for $10.  Fun! There were no homework passes allowed on this one.

Have a fantastic night!
Mrs. Grewell

Sunday, November 16, 2014

"If You Give Up Today, Think of all the Lives You Won't Save Tomorrow" Planes Fire and Rescue Movie

Hello there. As I am typing this, I am hoping that Josh's football team took home the Mighty Bowl Championship. Either way, I hope he had a great time playing his very best!

I hope that you had a great weekend. I spent mine relaxing, watching my daughter's basketball games, having lunch with a great friend, watching my son's favorite movie twice, making a family dinner at the ranch, helping my nephew write college essay questions, and making a cherry pie. Busy, yet very relaxing and rewarding!

We ended last week with two very important events. We had Doughnuts with Dads and our Veteran's Day program at St. John's and Mission Ridge. Both experiences were outstanding and so very touching! Here are some pictures of both! Dads…I will send a copy of the picture home for you to frame in the Tuesday folder this week. Loved seeing all of you here. Not having a father in my life, it was especially heart warming to see the bond between so many sons and daughters and dads. Love.

This week…

Math: Perimeter, Area, and a touch of volume. All the while, we will continue practicing long division.

Reading: We will start our inquiry projects this week by writing persuasive letters to Mrs. Meier. Students will select one way to make our school more "green." They will try to persuade our principal to change things up to make them better. Students will also quiz out on the story they read independently last week. Many skills will be quizzed on.

Spelling: compound words. Alternate list has hyphenated compound words.

Language: Plural rules, especially changing f to a v and add es.

Science: We will finish up matter.

S.S.: We will finish up the NE unit. We will have our open book unit test next week before the Thanksgiving break.

MT History: We will get into the state symbols this week.

Fly Time: This week we will focus on what we are thankful for and the history behind Thanksgiving. We will build a thankful tree in our classroom.

My next task today is to grade the states and capital's tests. Please know that the first ones generally don't go well as a whole. It seems every year, that kids have to do the first one in order to take it seriously. They don't quite understand how difficult it is to learn all 50 states. Then, test two comes around and they do much, much better. While walking around during the test on Friday, I couldn't help but notice that this was again the case. Kids need to not wait till the week of the test, but study a little bit at a time each night. I HIGHLY recommend going back to these ones again and making sure kids know them for the 50 test at the end of the year.

I leave you with our star of the week: Avery. She shared some interesting things that even I didn't know. She collects big eyed stuffed animals. She is searching currently for a turkey one for Thanksgiving. Avery also likes crafting. she made this bookmark out of leather. Avery also loves soccer and gymnastics. She placed 3rd in her meet this year. Yay!!!! Avery didn't miss one game in this year's World Cup. Her grandmother made her this players book. It was VERY impressive and I can tell it took a lot of hard work to create! A true memory maker for sure! Thanks for sharing so much with us Avery!

Have a wonderful Sunday and dress warm this week again.
Mrs. Grewell

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Veteran's Program One Last Time Tomorrow!

Hello there.

Tomorrow kids need to dress in red, white, and blue one last time. We will leave shortly after 8:30 to walk up to St. Johns for the last Veteran concert. Please be on time tomorrow.

Tomorrow is also Doughnuts for Dads starting at 7:15 a.m. Come and enjoy a doughnut with your kiddos. They are limiting it to one per child this year so if kids need more than that, they should eat something at home as well. Dads…you know your limit! :0)

We had a fun time learning about the three states of matter today. We talked about physical and chemical properties and changes as well. Ask your child to tell you an example of each. They need to remember that physical changes are ones that will not actually change the substance. Chemical are ones that can't be turned back into the regular substance. It is a new one. (This happens because of burning, exploding, cooking…etc.) If they can tell you, write MATTER in the planner for $10 tomorrow. At the end we used our liquid form of caramel (not the burned one of course) to drizzle over our fruit. Yummy science!!!

Tomorrow is the states and capitals test. Kids need to know where each of the 11 states are on a map and then also match the capital to the correct test. Last chance study! :0)

Tomorrow is also spelling tests.

Homework tonight is a state coloring sheet. There is no advanced homework tonight.

That about covers it. Cya tomorrow!
Mrs. Grewell

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you haven't! Thomas Edison. BELIEVE there is always, always, always a way!

Hello there.

Wall displays are up. One for the Veterans and one for Bully Strategies. Yay!!! Here is a glimpse, but stop in and see them by the library at anytime. :0)

Don't you just love the red poppies on their uniforms. Awesome! Espen also got a special gift yesterday from a veteran. We will take a look at it tomorrow at fly time. :0)

Tonight's homework is an RLJ half page letter to Mrs. Grewell. Kids also may bring in any kind of fruit to dip into caramel (melted) after our science experiment tomorrow afternoon. Optional homework is three by two multiplication crossword. This is a 5th grade skill. They may use any method (except using a calculator) to solve them. It is totally optional, but if they took it…they have to at least try it.

In math today, we started LONG DIVISION!!! WooHoo! We learned all about the royal family. Daddy-divides first, Mommy-multiplies second, Sister-Subtracts third, Brother-Brings down fourth, and then the dog named Rover repeats or remains. Only Daddy gets to sit on top of the royal throne. The rest of the family sits below him. The dog sits at his side when he is done playing fetch. Crazy…but it worked. 85% of the kids were able to master one on their own. Have them try showing you and walking you through the royal family steps for 534 divided by 5. If they at least try to show you, write ROYAL in the planner for $10 tomorrow. We will continue to practice this for a few more days. We will also move onto area and perimeter in the mean time. So big they are getting!!!!

Have a wonderful night!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Veteran's Day! I hope you enjoyed your day off if you got one!

Hello there. A special hello today to Gwen's Dad along with Carl's. Happy Veteran's Day to you both and thank you for all you do/did to keep this country safe and free! If I missed anyone, then to you too!!!

We spent a large chunk of the morning learning about this holiday. We defined what a veteran is in Fly Time. Some of the things the kids came up with were: brave, courageous, male or female, all ages, dads, moms, grandparents, uncles, aunts, neighbors, warriors, and many more. When I asked them to close their eyes and picture a veteran, many were able to do so clearly. How do I know…when later with our 2nd grade buddies, I had the kiddos draw that very image and they did great! I can feel the pride in their pictures! They will be displayed on a wall outside of the library for you to see soon. Awesome!

We also talked about the importance of the Poppy flower on this holiday. We watched a short youtube on the history of it and how it helps to bring in money to help Veteran's around the world. Students made and added one to their Veteran picture. We also watched a youtube on Flander's Field and the poem about it. I also heard that England planted a HUGE field for today as well and that it looks amazing. Google it…wow!

We were lucky enough to be able to put an actual veteran in the hot seat today. Joe, our math tutor, served for the US Army in the 60s. He joined right after college. He later left the Army to become a teacher. It was his job to alert his team where the target was. Cool! The kids asked him many questions. Thanks Joe!

This afternoon, the kids had a wonderful sub. I am sure that they did just great. We realized together that this is their first time having a sub. Wowzers! One of the things I left for them to get done was to study their states and capitals. They practiced matching the two and finding the location of each 11 states. They finished off by doing jigsaw puzzles. Friday is the day!

Homework tonight is a reading on Veteran's Day. They need to answer the questions on the back after reading it. We didn't really talk about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There are many you tubes about it. If you watch one with your kiddos, write TOMB in the planner for $50. I am sure you will have a great discussion! No homework passes were allowed on this one. Way too important to pass this one up! :0)

Tuesday folders come home today. There are some notices about upcoming PTA events, such as Donuts with Dads THIS Friday and Barnes and Noble night coming up soon. Mark those calendars. Please sign and return folders tomorrow.

Well, I am off to the doctor's office. Have a wonderful evening.
Mrs. Grewell

Monday, November 10, 2014


Hello there and Happy Birthday Montana!

We had a great time making our Montana state map cookies. I always love this project because kids really get a good picture of what features are found in Montana. They also see that most of the major cities are found in the Western part of Montana in the mountains and by rivers. Why???? I ask. Ask your kiddo why this is. If they can tell you because it is so beautiful and that there is a lot to do then write WHY in the planner for $20. I took a picture of each kiddo and their cookie before they devoured it to put in their MT History journal. Here are a few samples of what they did. Fun!

It was great to see so many of you this morning at the Veteran's Day concert. Wasn't that so great?? I was glad I was in the back because I teared up both times. Amazing!!! When the lights were out and the candles were lit with the old flag in the background I was just so touched. Great job 4th and 5th graders!!! I am sure the Veterans sitting in the front were very touched! I tip my hat to Mrs. Waddell. Job well done there for sure!

Tomorrow is Veteran's Day. We will be doing a few activities to drive this holiday home. We will do a timeline to show us the history of it, watch a video on the poppy flower and discover what part it plays in the holiday, and then do a buddy activity dealing with art.

I will be gone in the afternoon. Zach and I will be listening to our sweet little one's heartbeat. Mrs. Young is the sub. She is great. The class will do some science and social studies.

Tomorrow is supposed to be even more cold with even more snow. Kids that do not bring a winter coat and a hat will not be going outside. I told them this today…by the way they are saying you say it is ok. I am not sure I am buying that one when it is this cold out. Please remind them to stay warm so they can stay healthy and at school. Being sick is no fun!

Homework tonight is to study for the upcoming states and capital's test on Friday and to do a math sheet. Sections 5, 6, 7, and 10 are challenge homework. With a little bit of help from home or from watching a youtube video not eh subject most kiddos should be able to get it. Some kids are just ready to push forward on their own or with a little bit of help. Not ready…no problem. They are optional. The rest of the sheet is homework though. They are all a review of things we did in class so far or did in the 3rd grade. Help should not be needed for sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, or 9. Thanks.

Have a great, great night!
Mrs. Grewell