Thursday, September 18, 2014

You can't hold them responsible until they are response-able. Cindy Goldrich

Well hello there.

I will see you in a short few hours, but here is the quick run down on today. It was a fantastic, fun, and packed day. We learned a ton…though I am not sure they realized it. :0)

As you can see from the slideshow below, our Chinese lunch was a HUGE success. Everyone's orders came out correctly and with Noah B's mom's help we had it passed out and organized in no time! Everyone was full, full, full! It was great fun to watch them eat with their chopsticks and to just sit and listen to them talk about their food and how it tasted. Thanks again for helping to make this happen for your kids!

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This afternoon we finished up our Puff Mobile lab. The kids gave their mobiles one big puff, measured the distance traveled in centimeters, and then graphed it in a histograph. What is the difference between a histograph and a bargraph? Ask you kiddo. If they can tell you write GRAPH in the planner for $10 tomorrow. They should tell you that in a histograph the bars are smashed together, where in a bar graph they have space in between them. After each trial, they made adjustments by problem solving to see if they could make it go farther each time. This room was flowing with ideas! Awesome learning happening! Then, of course we HAD to race them! How could you not! We have some good puffers in here. Some huffed and puffed and blew their mobiles over! :0)

A gentle reminder to send a snack with your child daily. We eat lunch so late. Today, I had 5 without it. I do have a box of Cherrios, but they really do need to bring their own. It breaks my heart when I say they can get their snack and some kids don't have one and look at me with those sad hungry eyes. Just something simple like a piece of fruit, a granola bar, or a cheese stick helps them make it that extra hour before lunch. Thanks.

Inquiry projects are due tomorrow morning. Has your kiddo practiced their presentation with you? Please practice one more time tonight to work out those bugs. I can't wait to see them all tomorrow!!!

I think that about covers it. Remind kids to read their school book report book over the weekend. They need to be done by next Wednesday. I will begin to model the report in class next week, and that will be their homework.

Have a great, great night! If you attended the Open House tonight, write OPEN HOUSE In the planner for a $50 bonus. Thanks for supporting your kiddos! :0)

Mrs. Grewell

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