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Well, as you can see above we had a great day in the 4th grade! The first part of the slideshow is from our Fallen Rock book. Before we got to the actual picture of the boys in the book, I had the kids draw what they pictured the two brothers, Fallen Rock and Running Water, to look like. The first time I read it, I pictured very similar to most of them. I pictured little boys about the same age as these kiddos and very modern. When I saw the actual picture, I was like…no way!! I totally forgot they were even Indians. Don't you love Laney's! I love how she thinks outside the box and made the actual road signs for their heads. Hilarious! I love kids!
The second part of the slideshow is from science today. We have been studying wind and yesterday we talked about how wind has power to do many things. It can make electricity, it can pump water from the ground, it can dry our clothes on a clothes line, and it can push things like boats and cars. So…today I wanted to bring that alive. With Project Lead the Way science this year, we are encouraged to allow kids to do more thinking on their own and mimic engineers. Today, I gave them the needed supplies to make a puff mobile, a few rules like it has to roll and you can't use anything else than what you have, but no directions on how to make it. I never showed them mine. I am sooooo glad I didn't because we ended up with 23 different models of puff cars. They were soooo creative! I am pretty sure we even have some serious future engineers in here!!!! What they learned the most however was how to problem solve and how to breathe. When they would become frustrated or do a trial run that would not work, they had to look at what did work and what they needed to tweak a bit. At the end, most kids had a finished product that they can use tomorrow in the actual wind experiment. Some kids wanted to take theirs home to finish. I said that was fine as long as they followed the rules and did NOT get any ideas or help from anyone else. They must come back tomorrow.
Tomorrow, we will actually blow our mobiles and measure the distance travelled in centimeters. We will then graph it. We will do this 10 times, adjusting and problem solving as we go, each time trying to get more distance and continually wondering how we can make it even better. And of course…we will see the power of wind in action! Fun!! This will conclude our study on wind. Next up…hurricanes!
Today in math, we got on the computers and took a look at Golden Phoenix's lunch menu. Kids each selected what they wanted to order for tomorrow's lunch. They also had to add a dollar tip for the delivery driver and then find their total. My goodness this was a tough choice. I didn't allow them to order off the kids menu because the food selections were not Chinese food (grilled cheese…). That would defeat the purpose now wouldn't it. I will place the order in the morning and have it delivered for lunch. If students are not buying lunch from here, they will still eat in the classroom with us. AND EVERYONE will use chopsticks tomorrow. The point of doing this is to take in a new type of heritage and learn something new. I also told kids they may bring in a drink of their choice to have with lunch. Pop is fine. NO JUMBO sizes. Just regular 20 oz bottles, and they MUST have a lid. Other drinks are also fine. They may come home with leftovers for dinner. :0) Yay!
So excited and so are they. Thanks for helping to make this happen!
Homework tonight is a crossword reading comprehension sheet. We read the front together in class and discussed it at length. I modeled how to do a crossword puzzle to those that have never done one. So, everyone should be ok on this one. We talked about how spelling is a big part of crossword puzzles. Many kids also came home with their reading leveled bookwork. Please refrain from helping on these, as I plan to grade them for a reading grade. They all know how to do all the skills as we talked about them in small groups and they just need to go back in the text and look! Thanks.
A BIG thank you to Landon for the Jakes Gift Card donation.Yummy!
A BIG thank you to Landon for the Jakes Gift Card donation.Yummy!
Inquiry projects are due on Friday morning.
We have art tomorrow! Kids love art! :0)
Tomorrow night is open house. It starts at 6. I can't wait to see you all there! :0)
Have a fantastic night with your fantastic kids!
Mrs. Grewell
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