Monday, September 22, 2014

Ask questions. Be weird. Experiment. Have Goals. Believe you can!

Hello, hello!

We had a great day of learning. This is the first day we have been able to get all subject areas in!!! It was sooooo quiet today, and kids transitioned so nicely today. Sooooo much more teaching time.

We started the day off by finishing our Fallen Rock Book. The kids LOVED it. They may bring their book home anytime now. However, I did suggest/hint that they may want to have it here tomorrow for their final test. It will be open book to those that have it. Let's see who really listens to Mrs. Grewell. :0)
I encourage you to read it again at night with your kiddo. The chapters are short and they are great for nightly reading. They would love to see you get excited about the story too! Plus, then when you drive down the road you can both talk about the road signs you see. Now, we can't wait to meet Bill Merical on October 9th even more!!!

We were able to sneak down to the computer lab this morning and take our NWEA language test. This will be their beginning score. Most kiddos scored in the 200s. I will text you your child's score tonight. The most important thing is that at the close of the year, when they take the test again, that they show growth. Language doesn't really have a cut off score for us to base if a child is proficient, below, or high. I do have them for reading and math however. Again, keep in mind the class average was 200-215.

We will take the reading test on Wednesday morning and the math test on Thursday. If your child is absent, they will be pulled (most likely by Mrs. Meier) to take the test at a later date. This is difficult as it is not in their natural environment and it sometimes skews the score. :0(

This afternoon, we started our unit on Hurricanes. OH me OH my! They were 100% into it!!! I loved all the questions, as I lived in Florida for 10 years and went to college there. Therefore, I know quite a bit of real experiences. They had GREAT questions that led to GREAT discussions. Yay! One question for tonight though…have your kiddo google what the temperature of the water has to be (at least) in order for it to form a hurricane. Write what they say in the planner for $10 tomorrow. Hmmm…

We also started our unit in SS on map skills. We created a compass rose consisting of both cardinal and intermediate directions. Now, they will use these in some skill sheets.

Tonight, kids have math homework. We are starting our Accelerated Math program. This is a program on individual speeds. Kids first do a practice sheet. They then scan in their answers to the computer and it grades them. Depending on their score, they either get another practice sheet or a test sheet if they are ready. If kids miss too many of a certain skill, it alerts me and prints out a one on one sheet that they will have to do with me. Everyone is doing the same skill, it is the pace that is up to each child. Hence the title…Accelerated Math. I beg of you to NOT help kids with these. The skills I sent home are all review. If they are struggling with them, I need to know so I can one on one help them. Helping on one or two is great. Helping and teaching on all of them…NOPE! Just have them do their best, and we will get them the help they need. Thanks!

Some kiddos also have their Scholastic News to finish up. Both assignments are due tomorrow.

Book reports will start on Wednesday. Books must be finished by then.

Our cursive white boards came in today. We have been waiting since before school started. These are great, because they have the lines drawn on them. It saves soooo much time and helps everyone be more accurate when forming letters. So we now know a-o. Have your kiddos show you these letters connecting in one straight line on a piece of paper. If they do, write CURSIVE in the planner for yet another $10 tomorrow. Wow…double bonus night!

A final thank you to AJ, Cayden, and Lauren for bringing in our last gift cards last Friday. Noah B's mom is now creating the magical basket. I can't wait to see it on Wednesday. Don't worry…I will of course display a picture on the blog. :0)

Tomorrow we will be meeting a student from Rocky that will be helping out in the classroom. This is her first experience in the classroom setting, so that is exciting. She will be doing a lot of observing along with some possible one on one correction work. Her name is Miss. Keezer. Welcome!

Tomorrow we will also be back in action with our regular Fly Time meetings. We will be taking a deeper look at what 4th grade EQ looks like. What is EQ??? Well, we all have an intellectual IQ, but we also have a grade level appropriate EQ too. That is our ability to function in society in an appropriate manner. I will share what we come up with tomorrow.

I leave you with a HUGE thank you to Hanna and Josh's moms. This morning I noticed that I had something in my bucket filler bucket. When I got it out, it was an amazing note from both parents thanking me for all I do and for going above and beyond. Even though I don't feel I do, I love that parents notice how seriously I take kids and my love for teaching them. You two made my day!!! Thanks for filling my bucket!!

Have a wonderful night! I am hoping that Morgan is doing something super fun and enjoying her birthday cake tonight. Thanks for the yummy cookies on a stick today! Happy Birthday Morgan!
Mrs. Grewell

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