Monday, September 15, 2014

BELIEVE that homework is NOT optional. Thanks!

Hello there. We had a great Monday, however, a lot of money was taken today. My oh my we have some talkers in here. I am sure hoping all 23 students get to join us on our field trip in October to the NILE. They still have plenty of time, but some kiddos really need to take my expectations seriously. Please remember, kids should be able to earn enough money for these things on their own. They should NOT be relying on you to earn them money for code words and or gift card rewards. It is imperative that they figure out how to behave in our little society now before they get out in that big one out there. I keep telling them that eventually they will not have mom, dad, and teacher to remind them how to behave in a community of learners. No one in here is extreme and beyond hope. They can all do it if they buckle down. Unfortunately, some kiddos need a harsher consequence to really get how their actions have consequences.

Another way to lose money is to believe that homework and classwork in G4 land is optional. It is NOT optional. Many kids are blaming you and making excuses. My mom made me do this…my dad said I couldn't do my homework…I had football…I forgot. I tell kids, they may need to reevaluate their priorities for their future and make a to do list with a time table. I don't give that much homework. It should easily be done within the 40 minutes allotted to a 4th grader. Part of the problem is that kids are not using their time wisely in class and end up with more homework than I assign. I give more than ample time in class to finish an assignment and often wait for almost everyone to finish. However, I am not going to give more time if kids are off in la la land or messing around. Choices…consequences. Please discuss with your child what your expectations are for homework: where? when? what happens if it doesn't get done? If you do this, write HOMEWORK in the planner for $10 tomorrow.

Homework tonight is a reading comprehension sheet on the Star Spangled Banner. Kids learned about this in music class, and we read about it being 200 years old this month in our Scholastic News today. Therefore, I did not read it aloud to them in class. They will need to read it and then do the activity on the back. It is DUE tomorrow morning.

Fitness Club (PEAK) is tomorrow after school.

Have a fantastic night!
Mrs. Grewell

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