Sunday, September 28, 2014

Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten. B.F. Skinner

Hello there. Saturday Live was extremely successful! Arrowhead school made just under $6000.00. Our basket alone brought in $975! Wow!!! Thank you so much for all the gift cards. It was valued at $690, so we got that and then some. Awesome. All the money raised that day will go to pay for all the software programs and Scholastic programs we use at Arrowhead, including Accelerated Math and the Scholastic News we use weekly in our classroom. Arrowhead uses a ton of technology programs throughout the school, and this money pay for them each year. Sooooo grateful!! I was able to film the actual bidding of our basket. Enjoy!

Emma, Beau, Zach and I had a wonderful time actually enjoying Saturday Live. We started the day off by watching the racers come in. And…look I spotted at the finish line! Both Hanna and her Dad did a great job in the race! What an awesome way to bond as a father and daughter! Congrats you two!

After finally leaving the park, Beau and I went down to the soccer field. We just missed Noah L's game…darts! But, we were able to catch Gwen in action! She even scored THREE goals. That a girl. Who knew Gwen was sooooo aggressive and a ball go getter! Very proud of her, and a BIG thank you to Noah L for playing with Beau while I enjoyed the game. :0) Keep inviting me to those games. I am often able to make them on the weekend.

I got a text from Gabrielle's dad on Friday night. She made it to Florida safely, however it was a rainy day! That is not what you expect when you go to Florida! Hope the weather improves soon!!! The weather in Arizona was just the opposite for Reece. He and his mom made a TON on fun memories in the sun and pool. Loved those photos on Facebook! Awesome. We hope that Noah B is back on Monday and is feeling better. We miss all kids when they are gone. Class is just not the same without them!

October is upon us this week. Here are some dates to mark on your calendars at home.

8th: Walk/Bike to school
13th: PTA general meeting 6 pm
14th: Hearing Screening
15th: Early out at noon
16-17th: No school
21st: Coffee with the principal RSVP Mrs. Meier.
24th: Halloween Family Fun Night
27-31st: Red Ribbon Week
30th: Picture Retakes
31st: End of first Quarter (Report Cards home on Nov. 4th)

Reminders from Mrs. Meier:

1. Make sure you call the office when children are going to be tardy or absent.
2. Mention Arrowhead School when you check out at Office Depot.
3. If we ever have an offsite evacuation we will go to Lillis Center at Mission Ridge.
4. Remember to pack silverware in kid's cold lunches please.
5. If you have school related pictures please consider submitting them to Tanya Bentley at for this year's Memory Yearbook.

This week…

Math: Finish up money, show mastery on tenths and hundredths place value and how it corresponds to money in the real world, and show mastery on addition and subtraction across zeroes, regrouping, and column addition. We will also continue with Accelerated Math. If you are available on Fridays from 11:30-12:15 please consider coming to help when we do this whole class. There are often too many kiddos needing my attention at one time. They end up wasting education time waiting for me to be able to listen to why they got their last problems wrong. They are not allowed to move forward until this happens. If you could help…that would be soooo awesome. Just show up and I will put you to work!

Lead 21: Fictional stories. We will look at figurative language: personification, metaphors, and similes along with onomatopoeia in these stories. We will also review finding important information and supporting details. We will finish Unit one this week.

Language: We will again work on nouns. Plurals, common or proper, and being able to find them in sentences. Our quiz last week didn't go that well for over half the class. That tells me we need more practice. We will also look further into our three articles: a, an, and the and when to use each of them.

Spelling: This week's unit is on homophones. These are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently when in different context. Please make sure to use sentences with kids this week when studying and don't always do the same order when quizzing them. I HIGHLY encourage alternates to spend some time Monday night looking up some of their words. Even I had to look some of them up! I will NOT go in order on either the book or alternate tests. The words will be mixed up. Even if they spell it correctly, but use the wrong one in the wrong place it will be marked incorrect. They need to really listen to the context sentences while testing. Congratulations to this week's alternates (if they choose to accept the challenge)…Kyra, Laney, Landon, Krissy, Claire, Avery, Josh, Gwen, and Cayden. Well done to ALL kids on ALL tests! Study, study, study! :0)

S.S.: Map skills continue.

MT History: Finding specific mountain ranges and rivers in Montana using a state map.

Science: We will wrap up our Hurricane unit with an open note test. We will finish it by making our own origami hurricanes with an adjustable eye in the center! Kids will need to be able to identify the eye, eye wall, and feeder bands on their hurricanes. These are AWESOME!!!! We will then get into atmosphere layers and the basic types of clouds. We will learn a fun song to help all we have learned thus far in science come to life even more.

Fly Time: We will continue to review EQ vs. IQ along with trustworthiness. Mrs. Gleason and I wrote a grant for PTA at the beginning of the year for close to $400 in new books we found that help teach character to kids. They LOVE picture books and it is the best way for me to bring them to life and help them see how they actually work in the real world. We find out tomorrow if we got it. Fingers crossed!!!! This is one of the things your PTA donations and fundraising goes for. Each teacher gets to write a grant for their classroom. THANK YOU!!!

Speaking of fly time. Ask your kiddo about the pepper experiment we did on Friday. I used it to show the kids how it feels to be the one kid no one wants to play with at recess. What happens is the pepper is all floating around on the top of the water nicely like a class getting along. Then the one kid comes along (my finger with dish soap applied to it). I put my finger in the center of the group and the pepper scatters to the edges rapidly, leaving the one kid wondering why he is always alone in a group. Pretty cool! We also made an acrostic poem to go along with it, using the word TEAM and focussing on being one at recess time.

Treat everyone like they are your good friend!
Everyone likes to play!
Ask kids who are alone to join in on your fun!
Make time to make new friends!

Kids will pay for their NILE field trip with their $300 fake dollars tomorrow. They still have two weeks to earn if they need too. They just have to have it paid in full by the day we depart on the bus.

Midterms come home on Friday. I am always confused as to why we send these home, as you can see their grades daily online. Nonetheless, I will send home a hard copy of your child's behavior grades and academic grades on Friday. I will send them home in the Tuesday Folder, even though it won't be Tuesday. You signing that, shows me you saw the midterm. You may keep the midterm home for your records. As always, if I had HUGE concerns I would have contacted you by now. I don't like to be surprised with my own kiddos grades, so I would never do that to you. Conferences are in November, but if something is bugging you or doesn't seem right, lets handle it now so it can just be solved. Call, text, or email me anytime. I appreciate our level of honesty and ability to communicate for the best of your child. :0)

Well, I think that about wraps up the upcoming week. Thanks again for having the most amazing kids and for trusting me with them every single day! I love my job, and I hope that is reflected in your child each and every day!

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