Thursday, January 22, 2015

It Doesn't Matter What a Person Looks Like, You Need to Always, Always Give a Person a Chance...Ruby Bridges

Hello, hello!

Can I just say that I love these kids. How lucky am I to come to work every single day to a job that I absolutely love. And why do I love it...cuz of your precious little gem! They just make me smile every single day! Love it!!!! Love them!!!!

Report cards came home today. Please empty them out, sign the back of the envelope, and return it tomorrow. Let me know if you have any concerns. I was pretty specific on the comments. Please know that if the issue addressed was super serious I would have called you. I just wanted some behaviors worked on. We can always get better, right? :0)

Inside report cards you will find the Science Fair information. If you are not planning on doing it, just ignore it. I put it in each kids.

Homework tonight is two-fold. Kids need to test out their game boards for the Lead 21 Reading Inquiry projects with you tonight. They also brought home their grading checklists. Please go over each item with your child to make sure they have it. All facts on the board should be in sentences. The should be teach someone else something new. Spelling should show effort. Capitalization and punctuation is mandatory. Please sign the checklist when you complete it. Your signature tells me that  they had an adult check it and play it. Thanks.

The second part of homework is all on them. They just need to finish up a fun MLK, Jr sheet for our boards. They know exactly what to do.

This morning we read a book about the Little Rock Nine. Ask your child to tell you one way that it is similar to Ruby Bridges story, and one way that it was different. If they can tell you, write NINE in the planner for $10 tomorrow.

Thanks to all of you that committed to coming next Tuesday. I can't wait to see you! The kids are getting excited to show you all that they have learned.

A gentle reminder that kids need to bring ONE snack to school. I have seem many pull out two or three items for snack. Are they even hungry for lunch? Also, please remind kiddos that lunch is for them and is not to be shared at Arrowhead. I will be talking about this tomorrow at Fly Time. We have had a few issues with this. Sharing food at lunch or snack is a big no no at Arrowhead. Mrs. Meier told every student this at the first day assembly.

I will submit book orders this coming Monday. Please get your orders in soon.

Library books are due tomorrow.

Thanks so much for all that you do!

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