Sunday, January 25, 2015

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Happy Weekend! I hope you had a great one!

This week will be a busy one. We have a  lot to do before we share with you on Tuesday night. Kiddos should be practicing their Rosa Poem song and our group song as well. If they forgot the poem, here it is. We will work on them again tomorrow and Tuesday. I can't give you, the parents, a lot of details on what they need to do as it is part of the Tuesday night surprise. :0) You are going to love it!

I will be gone on Thursday this week. I have court. Nothing big, but something I need to attend. I don't like missing school, but this one can't be avoided. Kids will go on as normal with the sub that day.

Academically this week...

Math: Finding a greatest common factor and geometry vocabulary.

Lead 21 Reading: We will begin Unit 4: space. Our focus will be fact or opinion at a deeper level along with writing a 5 paragraph essay using evidence from the text to back it up.

Language: Combining sentences using comma conjunction.

Spelling: /k/ sounds

SS: We will finish our Civil Rights Unit and begin our MidWest Unit. New flashcards for states and capitals will come home. The test will not be for a few weeks.

Science: PLTW. We will continue with discovering how objects transfer energy from one to another.

MT History: We will finish up our comparison of the MT Flag to the Crow Nation Flag.

Fly Time: Jackie Robinson and what he stood for with his character.

Last week, we had a fun time playing the game boards the kids created for their Unit 3 Lead 21 Inquiry project. I learned a lot, like Maine is the number one producer of toothpicks. Who knew? Apparently, Hanna did! :0) This weekend I graded the game boards. There were a few kiddos that didn't quite follow directions. Some of them made too many positive or negative moves on the board and forgot to just write a fast fact. As I have stressed with them this week, it is their job to pay attention when I model something for them. There are a few kids that tune in for a second, and then begin the assignment before I am done thinking they know what to do on their own. I switch the directions all the time on assignments. It is imperative that they don't guess their way through, but stay tuned in the entire few minutes I am explaining it and modeling it for them. I never, ever just give them an assignment without explaining it or doing the first one or two problems together. Again, it is their job.

Mr. Noah L. used his show and tell coupon last week. We got to meet his little cute puppy, Rubio. What an adorable little guy. Thanks for sharing with us Noah!

Miss. Lauren was star of the week last week. I love that she loves the game 20 questions. I too love that game. Lauren also likes to collect those popular big eyed stuffed animals. Fun! Lastly, Lauren shared an adorable baby picture of herself. Is she adorable or what! Precious! Thanks for sharing with us Lauren.

Speaking of their job, we have had quite a few days where kids have forgotten their shoes or other needed supplies for the day. They always come to me and ask to call home. I don't like to do this because it is their job, but there are times that the clomp, clomp, clomping of boots is very distracting. Please help kids remember that they need to be responsible for their own life. (I am sure I am preaching to the choir on this one. I can just imagine all of you saying these exact words at least twice a day...just am I am sure you can picture me doing the same with my two).

I can't wait to see all of you Tuesday night at 6:30. Have a great week!
Mrs. Grewell

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