Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Everyone Can Be Great, Because Everybody Can Serve." MLK, Jr.


In math we have been doing some pretty tough stuff. Kids are learning to factor numbers and decide if that number is prime or composite. Many, many, many kids have some classwork to finish up tonight. Have them show you how to do all the tests on a number. They are allowed to use a calculator for some parts of it. If they do show you how to do one of the problems, write FACTOR in the planner for $10 tomorrow. Also have them explain if the number is in fact composite or prime and why. High level stuff going on here! Wow!

In Fly Time, we read a book about Ruby Bridges. The kids were very excited to hear about this little  girl going to an all white school. They just kept asking, why??? Hard question for me to answer. We will watch the Ruby Bridges Disney Movie in class on Monday and Tuesday as we are making our boards. A permission slip came home today. The movie is G, but due to the reasons listed I would like to still obtain your permission. I have also included the link to the movie off to the right under my favorite sites. (oops...I just discovered that the movie is no longer available for free to view. It is no longer able to be viewed. Hopefully, I can find it on video or netflix.) The movie brings alive everything we have talked about for the past week about the Civil Right's Movement and it's leaders.

Homework tonight: Finish up math and get permission slip signed.

Those of you that are for sure or are thinking of doing the science fair with your kiddos, here is a great, great resource coming up this weekend. They always do a great job of explains every part of this process. Can't make worries. We will do a similar demonstration at school next week as well for the kids. There will also be model boards for them to look at. I will send home the grading rubric and board example soon.

I would like to get an idea of how many of you will be attending the MLK, Jr. share night next Tuesday night at 6:30. Kids are doing some group presentations, and if they are not able to come that could mix things up, so I would like to know before I form those groups. Please write YES in the planner if you are planning to come with your child that night, or NO if you can't make it. I am hoping everyone can come and have a great time listening to all that every child has learned! :0) Doing this, will earn your kiddo $10 tomorrow.

Well, that about covers it. Have a great Wednesday night!
Mrs. Grewell

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