Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy Birthday AJ!!!

Hello there.

The snow is falling, but kids behavior is rocking!!! So proud of all the kids! We even had indoor lunch recess as the windchill dropped us below zero! They did great!

Homework tonight is another state and capital puzzle for a state in the SE Region. Kids are working on those basic facts, which are still an issue for many.

In math we started converting customary length measurements. Ask your child how many rulers are in a mile. If they can tell you, write the number in the planner for $10.

All kiddos except one turned in their biography title today. They have a little over two weeks to finish reading those. They picked some great ones.

We took the SRI reading level test today. This is the short test that tests kids ability to figure out what words mean using context clues. It also tests their vocabulary and text level. I will share the score they got last time we took it (end of Quarter 1) and the score they got this time today via text tonight. Kids should be a 600 or above to be on grade level and want to leave with a 700+ for the start of 5th grade.

On Thursday, we will be doing the NWEA MAP Math test first thing. Please make sure kiddos have a high protein breakfast that day. We are only doing the math one, as that is the one I am most curious about at this point as far as how kids are growing. I am feeling great about reading and language so we will take those in the spring instead. I will share the results with you via text message shortly after that test. I can't wait to see how much they have already grown!

A big late Happy Birthday goes out to AJ. His birthday was January 1st. Since we were out of school we are celebrating it today with some super yummy and fun cake pops! He made some case selling those to his friends today in class. :0) AJ spent his birthday sick with a horrible cough. :0( I hope this one at school was a little bit better. We sure enjoyed it.

Well, that about says it all. Have a safe and warm night. I will be hibernating at my Aunt's house in town again. Not brave enough to face the highway quite yet.

Mrs. Grewell

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