Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thank you for BELIEVING in me!

Hi there!

It was the first day of Project Lead the Way and I could not have asked for a better start! We started building our first project. Kids were engaged and so into it. It is like legos to them. In the program the teacher is really supposed to fade out during these engineer building times and force them to use the iPads and their group members to figure out how to build something. So, I told the kids if I just say…"Man, that is a tough one, I hope you and your group are able to figure that one out with your awesome engineer brains!" that I am not being rude, but instead am just doing what the program is designed to do. We will start the actual "teaching/science concept learning" after the break. For now, we will just build and have fun with the VEX kits. Kids worked so well together. The helped each other and listened to other's ideas. Awesome! Ask your kiddo about this. If they tell you write PLTW in the planner for $10 tomorrow.

We spent quite a bit of time in the computer lab today practicing those keyboarding skills. Kids typed their Rudolph stories today. They then shared them with me using their D2 Google docs account and then printed a copy for themselves. Everyone left with a printed copy! Success! Thanks for all your editing last night. We finally went over to a first grade class and shared them with them, which they really enjoyed. Now, they are a hall display in front of the library. I will grade the ones I printed myself and record those grades this weekend. Writing takes a while to grade.

Homework tonight is a spelling skill sheet.

Thank you so much for all your emails and texts about the Polar Express Letter system. Your support means the world to me. It is so difficult to be the bad guy, but accountability and choices have to have consequences. I appreciate you all!!!

December books are due next Monday. We will start the report then.

Southeast States and Capital's test is next Friday.

Montana History notebooks are due tomorrow (kids knew this on Tuesday).

A HUGE thank you to Miss. Hanna for organizing my BELIEVE collection after I cleaned them all. Dusty place up there! Didn't she do a great and creative job. Miss. Hanna LOVES to organize so this was like an early Christmas present and when I asked her she lit up like a Christmas tree!!!

Miss. Avery, I am thinking about you tonight and tomorrow! BELIEVE girlie!!! All will be GREAT!

Have a great, great night!
Mrs. Grewell

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