Hello there.
Today was an interesting day school wide. At first, I thought it was just my class, but then we had a staff meeting that told me otherwise. The kids were really wild school wide. By wild I mean, talking nonstop, talking rudely over teachers, dancing and twirling when walking in the halls or waiting outside in a line, and so on. My class came in from lunch and I couldn't even hear the parent I was speaking with when wrapping up a phone call home. So, we spent our normal read aloud time (15 minutes) walking from place to place without our voice. We went outside, lined up, came in quiet, moved to the window, to the back table, to our desks, back in line, to fly time area, back outside, down the hall, to the book shelves, to our tub shelf, back in line, and so on. I was seriously over all the talking. When going past the library to our buddy's classroom, that class was also in trouble and practicing the same thing. Then at the staff meeting two other teachers said the same thing. Oh my…Christmas break jitters are upon us. We have so much still left to do and learn before that time. We need to finish up strong. I told each student that if I see them talking again while transitioning, they will not be joining us in Polar Express candy train building on the 22nd. I will not go back on this. If their name makes my list, they will not participate. The class was extremely respectful and quiet after our practice session. We also were able to get a lot of things done in a shorter amount of time. Imagine that…I am 100% positive that we will have a better day tomorrow.
We ended the day beginning to build our fun Montana State Symbol page in our MT History notebooks. Kids will construct a scene similar to the one below to show the different symbols. Today, we discovered that states often use symbols for name of important buildings or offices. For example, we have three schools named after our symbols in Billings: Ponderosa (after the state tree Ponderosa Pine), Meadowlark (after the state bird: the Western Meadowlark) and Bitterroot Elementary (after our state flow the Bitterroot). We also have a college team with a mascot of our state animal. Ask your child what that is. If they can tell you write it in the planner for $10 tomorrow.
Homework tonight is to finish a math paper we started in class. We are using two strategies to see what metric length unit is the best choice to describe how long an item is. Kids need to start with the largest measurement (Kilometers, Meters, Decimeters, Centimeters, and Millimeters) and work small. They need to visualize the length by using their rulers and picturing meter sticks. They know that a meter stick is almost 3 rulers long. They also know that a ruler has 30 inches. Therefore, 60 cm equals 2 rulers, 90 equals 3, 120 equals 4, and so on. They need to look at all four choices and x them off as they go. Then, they need to select the correct choice. I don't want them to just guess. They need to understand the conversions and visualizations. We will correct it tomorrow step by step and then take a mastery quiz after.
Midterms came home today. Over half the class wanted a hard copy, so it was just easier to send/print them all. They are in the Tuesday folder. If you see them, write MIDTERM in the planner for $50. I may have also added a math report from our iPad program called xtramath. There are some kids that have not made growth in the past three weeks, or just a small amount of growth. Kids need to be mastering these soon!!! Please invest in a set of flashcards and some time at the table flashing these over and over and over again. It will be the best investment you can make in your child for years to come.
Another thank you for yet another spoiling of Mrs. Grewell. I told the kids that I have never been treated like such a queen. :0) Miss Gwen came back from Oregon and came bearing a fun, fun gift. Take a look! I LOVE it!!!! My BELIEVE collection is growing and growing! Thanks Gwen!
We finished up our buddy reindeer project today. We also wrote our rough drafts of the stories that go with them. Poor Rudolph!!! His nose is no longer red!!!! What the heck is going on? Your child picked a new color for a nose. They then had to come up with a story including a beginning, middle, and end as to how that color change happened. Their homework tomorrow, will be to read it aloud to you and ask for your help to edit it. We will edit it ourselves tomorrow, but you will help catch the final oops'. I could do each one, but without them next to me one on one my marks mean nothing. It is the discussion as to why this need capitalized or why I should add an adjective to make this sentence better that makes the real difference. Then, we will type the final draft in class and print them off by e-mailing them to Mrs. Grewell using their D2 doc account (a skill they learned in library). Finished products will be shared with first grade classes and then hung in the hallway on display.
I leave you with a request from Mrs. Meier. Please take the time to fill out the parent survey about Arrowhead Elementary School. If you do or already have, please write SURVEY in the planner for $100. Thanks for your honest input! :0)
My Voice Parent Survey measures your perceptions of your experience and your child’s experience at Arrowhead. The Billings School District wants to learn how you view the teaching and learning that occurs at our school, and how those views align with our mission and vision. All teachers and 3rd-5th grade students at Arrowhead will be taking a short student and teacher My Voice Survey to get their perceptions as well.
This survey is completely anonymous and takes less than 10 minutes to complete. The survey must be completed between today and December 16, 2014.
Go to: www.myvoicesurvey.org
Enter code: 09eba7
THANK YOU in advance for your participation.
Have a fantastic night!
Mrs. Grewell
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