Well, I said that tomorrow is a better day, and it was! With only one reminder, kids were so quiet and respectful all day for the most part. Those that just couldn't remember, got letters that spelled out the word POLAR. I told them that if they spelled it, they were out of the day. That is 5 chances/reminders (way too many in my mind as a mom and a teacher), but nonetheless they got 5 chances. Many, many kids never even got a P. Yay!!!! Some kids got a P and that was the end of that behavior. They learned right away. Yay, yay, yay! A few…well, you can ask your kiddo how they did. If they tell you, write POLAR in the planner for $10. Overall, it was a great day in the 4th grade. Thank you for all your support and conversations at home.
Some of you emailed or texted me today/last night about grades, especially in math. Please know that the 3rd grade review days are over. Everything we are learning now is a 4th grade common core standard. That means…tough stuff! Kids should be feeling challenged. If kids are getting a 100% every single time, it makes me wonder if they are being challenged enough. Therefore, kids are really working hard to earn the grades that you see.
Also, in math, if your child does not pass a quiz I generally put it in the one on one tutoring pile. Then, a tutor calls them back within a few days to go over the concept again. They often can teach it in a way that I could not or sometimes kids just need to work out three or four problems with an adult leading them step by step. Then, I generally requiz them again and put in the better grade. Again, this sometimes takes a few days. Two weeks ago, three of my tutors called in sick, so the pile grew large. I was able to catch a few on a couple of days but most kids had to wait a bit. 10 kids retested today on perimeter. So, check the online grades to see up to date information. I don't always do this, but most of the time I try to, and I do the tutoring help for tests as well, but kids do not retest on mastery tests. Those grades are final.
Homework tonight involves you. Kids edited their Rudolph story today in class, then had a friend help them edit, then came to me for spelling on words they thought that looked odd. Now, they need your help. Please pull up a chair and sit beside them. Allow them to read it aloud to you all the way through. They really are cute stories! Then, please take the time to mark it up a little for them. Correct spelling they didn't catch, periods that are missing, capital letters, and so on. Also, they MUST have three paragraphs: a beginning, a middle, and an end. Therefore, I should see a VERY clear indentation three different times. We talked about information that doesn't belong too and finding places to add in some fun adjectives or adverbs. They will type their final draft for a grade tomorrow in class with me using your marks as a guide. Please sign their paper so I know that this was done. Those that do, will earn $50.
Kids got to watch the 5th grade band concert this morning. Next year, all kids will have a choice if they want to be in band, orchestra, or general music class. We will watch the orchestra concert next week.
Have a great, great night.
Mrs. Grewell
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