Monday, June 1, 2015

3.5 Days!!!!

Hi there.

Well, the news Inquiry projects about Ecosystems went great! All filming is done. Now comes the editing. We will watch them later this week.

We also finished up our PLTW unit. Kids were successful in creating a machine using a pulley system and some way to convert man's energy into mechanical energy to move a box across a distance of 12 inches. I will share video soon.

Tomorrow is Pompey's Pillar. We leave right at 8:30 and will be back around 1:4ish. Students need to pack their lunch (soda is fine) and wear closed toe shoes. The weather looks iffy, so I suggested rain clothing or umbrellas. Sunscreen and Bug Spray need to be applied BEFORE school. Thanks. Chaperones, please arrive at 8:15. Thanks.

On Thursday, we will do our last Auction with our fake money. I have some collected items to bid on, but I asked kids to take a look around at home for some gently used items that they could donate. If each kiddo donated one or two items that would be so helpful. I told them it was their homework to at least look around. Please send in items as soon as tomorrow so kids can start to plan their spending. Also, make sure they have YOUR approval to bring the items. Thanks!!!

Speaking of donating...tis the season to donate unwanted school supplies. I am always in need for the following year in my classroom supplies. We always need extra markers, colored pencils, calculators, and glue sticks. If your kiddo wants their entire tub, that is awesome. Please write NO DONATE in the planner if you want them to bring their stuff home. If you would rather have less stuff around the house, please write DONATE in the planner so they know come Thursday when we clean house.

We sure wish Mr. Noah B good luck! You are one amazing kid and one heck of an artist! Wow!! Thank you for bringing in your puppy today too. What a cutie. Have a wonderful summer vacation with your family Noah!

Have a great, great night!
Mrs. Grewell

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