Thursday, August 28, 2014

Soaring…literally…thru day 2!

Day 2 is over and out! It went GREAT!!! We were again busy, busy, busy!

This year, we will be exploring our character through a superhero theme. Kids will be learning and exploring exactly what it takes to make a superhero a superhero. They have to wear a solid cape!! Today, we dived into responsibility. We read a story about Jeremy Jacobs and his crew of pirate friends that had to take care of his baby sister. This proved to be harder than they thought, and the pirates gave us some great examples of some pretty irresponsible behavior. We then transferred this to us, here at school. Kids wrote a paragraph about how they can be responsible at school. They all had great ideas!

After Fly Time, we dived right into an I Am Poem. It was titled Super _____. They would fill in their name. Then, they finished sentence starters such as I am as smart as a _________. They had some great, great analogies. I loved that many of them were as tired as a bear that was hibernating in the winter. So cute! We even got to our final drafts which were written in pen. OH MY GOODNESS! That was a challenge for many due to their unwillingness to slow down and look at the model I had projected. They learned quickly that they need to check the model, THEN write. Many had to start over. They will be graded on the actual poem along with their ability to follow directions.

This brings me to the table discussion topic for this evening. SOOOOOO many kids are coming up to me and asking me is this right, is this right? My response is simply, well…did you follow my instructions? If so, then it is correct. I have not had my new name very long, but I am already honestly cringing at the sound of it. We talked many times today about the RESPONSIBLE way to get Mrs. Grewell's attention. Lastly, I had a few kiddos come up and actually poke me on the arm to get my attention. I am a bubble/space fanatic. Please discuss with all kids tonight how to get a teacher's attention like a 4th grader. They simply need to raise their hand and wait for me to come to them, OR they can try to problem solve themselves. They also need to make sure that they are not asking me a question that they can find the answer to in the model I have given them on the board or on their paper. It is day 2, so I know it will all come. I just want to get this one under control right away. If you chat with your kiddo about this, write CHAT in the planner for a $10 bonus tomorrow.

We have our first birthday coming up. We have 23 students and 2 teachers in our classroom daily. As explained in the first post I posted, birthday treats are sold by the student for fake money. They get to set up a small shop and charge $20. They keep the money. This helps to avoid those that don't want one an out so they don't have to hurt the birthday person's feelings. Extras can be given out to their favorite teachers, but please don't send in enough for seconds. Juice is also fine to go with the treats. This is completely optional!

In the Tuesday Folder's that came home yesterday, there were some important forms from the PTA. Our PTA is fantabulous at Arrowhead. They do above and beyond for kids. Coming from other schools, I can truthfully tell you it is one of a kind here. Parents and teachers do soooo much to support all of Arrowhead kiddos. Please take a moment to find the blue forms in the stack sent home. Please consider joining the PTA. This does not mean that you have to help. It just means that you are part of a united front for kids. There is also a directory form. If you want your family's contact number in it, please return that blue form as well. This is helpful when trying to set up friendship playdates. Lastly, there is a How Can I Help sheet in there as well. If you want to help in the classroom or at school functions please check what you want to do and send that back in as well. All PTA forms are blue in color. Mr. Pertuit and I are running the back to school/ice cream social this year. That is happening next Friday. We are going to need at least 20 parents to volunteer for that. If you can help work a half hour shift at an inflatable, serving pizza, serving ice cream, or helping to set up or break down we need you. Email or text me if you can do so. I will get you in an assigned slot. Thanks again for ALL that you do!!! We appreciate you and we could NEVER do it without you!

Homework tonight is two items. All kids came home with a crayon that they colored in class. This was an extension of our Crayon Box that Talked story we read. Kids now need to look around home and find objects to glue or draw onto their crayon that tell us more about them. I showed them mine. I had pictures of my family that I printed off my computer, pictures of my pets, a little book charm cuz I like to read, and our family brand for our ranch drawn on it. The sky is the limit on these ones. If your child likes legos, then glue one on. If they like mac and cheese, then glue on a  noodle. All I ask is that it is not so heavy that I can't hang it on the wall. The second item is a superhero get to know you sheet. Kids need to fill it out LIKE A 4th GRADER (which means neat, thoughtful, and completely) and then color it. Both items are due tomorrow morning upon arrival.

We took a class picture today. If you don't see your kiddo in the picture that means that they have not returned their information sheet that had the blog permission form on the bottom. I will not post kids pictures or names without your permission. Please send them in soon, as kids get sad when I ask them to step out of pictures. :0(

Kids had Art today with Ms. Becker for the first time. Many of them were super excited about this class this morning. Art is a hit, that is for sure!

I leave you with a sneak peak of part one of another project we will be doing tomorrow to wrap up our first week together. Hmmmm…what could be going on here????

Have a fantastic night with your little superhero!
Mrs. Grewell

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